Sixteen: Winter Holiday

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Exams ended and Niall entered the dorm room one last time for the next month to see Liam lying on the bed, a smile etching onto his face when seeing the Irishman walk around the corner and spot him.

He immediately gets on top of the elder male, bringing their lips together as smiles etch onto their faces in that same moment.

It felt needed for Niall as he cupped the man's cheeks in his hands, humming contently as he basically laid on top of Liam with rosy cheeks and all of his weight put on top of him easily.

Liam didn't mind it one bit though, arms wrapped around the smaller males middle as he made the kiss heated, nipping and sucking on Niall's bottom lip whilst moving up against him carefully.

The Irishman blushed and moaned softly as the kiss continued on, grinding back down against Liam as pleasure coursed through their veins.

“Mmm... Imagine doing this without any clothing, huh? It'd feel much better...” Niall rolls his eyes and delicately runs his thumb across Liam's prominent jaw, licking his lips a little bit from the touch.

“I'll think about it, yeah? It's winter break after all, but maybe doing it during the summer would make a little hotter, don't you think?” Liam smirks slightly, rubbing the Irishman's right hip bone as his sweats slipped down a little bit from moving.

“If that's what you want, darling, but maybe we can do a little something for you to get used to being comfortable with me, naked wise.” Niall raises his brow until Liam moves his hand.

He moves it to his own crotch, making the Irishman blush from touching the man without doing it himself. It felt a little bit weird, but he continued on moving his hand around without any aid, looking up into Liam's eyes as he did so.

The man groaned in pleasure, brow creasing from being touched by another person after too long, licking his lips quick as he looks back into Niall's innocently blue eyes that make him coo.

“M-Maybe you can give me more than just a handjob, darling? A blowjob, maybe...?” Niall's cheeks become darker as his breath turns uneven when looking back down, noticing the man growing a huge problem in seconds.

“Not here though, Li... Definitely not here, especially with how you can be when I just rub my arse against you on accident.” Liam chuckles and blushes himself, moving his hands up in Niall's shirt as the Irishman looks down at him smiling.

“Fine, darling. We can relax the next few days back at my house, then agree or disagree on you treating me to a bit of pleasure.” Niall rolls his eyes, getting off the man as Louis steps in with Harry walking right behind him.

He looked over to see his dad with flushed cheeks, raising his brow when turning to Niall who laughs softly and shakes his head a little too quick.

“Nothing happened, I promise you. I just made him a bit flustered, so don't feel scared.” Louis chuckles and goes over to his desk, grabbing what he needed to then nearly head back out.

“We'll meet you at my dad's place later on today. Haz and I have our first shift, so we won't be back until late. Have a good day, though.” Niall nods and lets the smaller male leave with a slight smile, going back to sit next to Liam carefully.

“Shall we go to your house now? I'm really hungry and I could really go for some cookies.” Liam chuckles, sitting up to bring his lips together with the Irishman's, humming contently afterward.

“You're lucky that I still have some, so let's get going.” Niall hums and sits up from the bed, grabbing the bag that he already packed up with important amenities, Liam leading him out of the room then out to the car, holding his hand.

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