Twenty Eight: Our Family

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Niall and Liam signed the adoption papers and left with Sean, buckling him into his car seat after handling all of the paperwork and discussions with the kind woman.

They brought him home shortly afterward, settling their baby boy into his small bed in the room right across their own. Seeing Sean lie in his little space brought made Niall extremely happy to the point of him tearing up.

Liam rubbed his side and kissed his head as a response, calming him down at the sight of their adorable baby boy who changed the twos' lives in such a short amount of time.

“Having Sean is going to change so much as the months pass by, Liam. We are definitely ready for what's to come though, and he's going to give us many memories.”

Liam wraps his arms around Niall's middle, head resting on his right shoulder whilst wearing a small smile. “He'll keep us together in the long run, even if we don't have any problems right now. I know in my heart that Sean has a lot of love and care to give to both of us, and I pray he accepts us as his parents in the future.”

Niall agrees, nodding. “I'm sure he will because of how well we will take care of him, Li. He's our number one priority from here on out and nobody's going to stop me from loving this boy in the future. Everybody deserves a loving family.”

Liam hums in content and kisses Niall's right cheek. “Couldn't agree with you even more than I do right now, my love. He's stolen our hearts and fixed us with only a single giggle and glance which caught our attention. He's truly special.”

Niall and Liam spent the next few months visiting Sean at his bed after long, strenuous days either at work or during meetings for updates on Sean's status. Throughout the whole experience, Sean brought them closer as they'd hoped.

Liam became confident with himself again and it showed with how forward and cocky he became in specific scenarios that included Niall who enjoyed this fresh appearance of his husband. His husband that loved himself, Sean, and Niall completely. Nobody compared to his boys, though.

Sean eventually turned one year's old, Niall throwing a huge party for him which surprised Liam who came home that day, shocked beyond belief but in the best way possible.

They enjoyed Sean's party, Harry and Louis coming over after working, and spilled enough tears that were held in since the first time they saw him in his crib months ago. Niall knew they'd escape eventually, but not when his friends sat around him in the comfort of his own home.

Liam followed suit and found himself cuddling Niall minutes later, rubbing his side at a decent rate while Louis and Harry had to leave, giving the small family space as a result.

Another year passed and more tears flooded from their eyes when watching Sean walk around and babble adorably with every chance that he got. They appreciated his growth and continued to monitor his actions when possible, going back to the adoption center still to talk about Sean.

The little boy eventually began speaking a few words here and there, uttering ‘papa’ (Liam) first, which made the Englishman tear up when hearing it on a calm night. He didn't expect it in the slightest, making the situation better as a whole while Niall felt happy that Sean actually spoke up.

He spoke in small sentences about another year later, mixing up a few words now and again, but neither expected him to instantly know how to express his emotions or speak simple sentences easily. Sean had much to learn.

“Da... When will I see Lou? Miss him...” A pout makes its way onto Sean's little face and it causes Niall to sigh softly and rub the little boy's arm enough to respond moments later.

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