Twenty Nine: Growing Up

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Years passed and Sean grew older by the second in front of his parents' eyes. He got taller and received prominent details to every part of his body, which made him confused on his eighth birthday when he finally noticed the truth.

“Dad, why do I not look like you? I mean, we look different and I don't have a mother like all the other kids in school...”

Niall and Liam knew this conversation would come around at some point, which was why they took Sean to his bedroom and set him down on the bed, carefully.

“Okay, bud. It's going to be a lot to take in but you need to realize that Papa and I love you more than anything else in the world, alright? Keep that in your mind as we talk more.” Sean nods, brow furrowed, but he continues to listen.

Liam sighs and takes the lead. He kneels down in front of Sean while Niall bites his nails a little. “Sean: you're adopted. What that means is, is that you were put into this place that allowed you to have a family after saying goodbye to your first one. Now, that doesn't mean they didn't want you; there are many reasons as to why birth parents would do such a thing. Niall and I were lucky enough to take you in and adopt you.”

The young boy's face contorts into many emotions and expressions that worried his fathers, but he eventually nodded. He let a small tear slip from his right eye.

“S-So... you and Papa, love me, r-right?” Niall nods fast and kneels down beside Liam.

“We love you with our whole hearts, Sean. Nobody has made us feel more important than you have.”

Sean smiles softly. “A-And you promise to always take care of me? To n-never leave me?” Hearing those words tear Liam and Niall's hearts, but they nod with full certainty and appreciation for their baby boy.

“We promise, bud. Would you want to meet your birth parents if they're ever up for it?” Niall had to ask because it seemed like an appropriate question.

Sean bit his lower lip. “I-I... I don't know, Pa...” Niall nods and cups his son's cheeks in his hands, pressing a kiss to the boy's forehead carefully.

“You can think about it for however long you need to, little one. For now, why don't we go back down to the living room and enjoy your birthday party some more? Spend some time with Louis, Harry, and their son Kyler.”

Sean nods quick. He hugs his parents close and kisses their cheeks before heading back down to the living room. A smile formed on his face again after a short while of enjoying his party.

This left Niall and Liam alone in Sean's room, staring at each other in deep thought of what to do next for their adorable, curious son who knew a lot now.

“We shouldn't bring it up anymore until he talks about it again, yeah? It'll make the conversation easier like the one we just went through, and I'd prefer him coming to us for that kind of talk about his life.” Niall agrees, nodding shortly before bringing Liam into a quick kiss.

Liam kissed him back and smiled a little when pulling away, holding Niall at his side. “Let's go enjoy our little one's party, yeah?”


Years pass and the family find themselves standing in Sean's high school for his first year of chaos. Niall and Liam vaguely remember their own experiences however many years ago, but they reassured Sean that the next four would go by faster than middle school did.

The young boy barely enjoyed dealing with his middle school, so having a fresh mindset when beginning the final four years would assist him well.

“Are you going to be picking me up every day,” Sean asked when turning to face his parents. He didn't want to stand outside of school alone for hours on end. His parents were always there for him.

Liam nods, “Dad will pick you up at least a few minutes after your final bell rings.” He gave Niall a quick glance. “Don't panic though because Kyler is going to get picked up every day with you. It'll give you two more time to get along and bond.”

Sean replies with a short nod and hugs them one last time before walking towards the entrance of his school, head held high. Liam and Niall smile while watching him.

“I can't believe he's going to graduate soon. Time has been flying by way too fast these past ten years, and I'm getting too old for crying.”

Niall chuckles at his words. He rolls his eyes and plants a gentle kiss to the Englishman's cheek. “You still look exceptional though, don't forget that. Nobody can beat your appearance.”

Liam smirks and raises his brow. “Oh yeah? What about you?” He leads Niall back to the car. “You're the model when it comes to the two of us. An actual model who makes money and is on the magazines. It's amazing.”

Niall chuckles and settles into the car, buckling himself in while Liam does the same. “Luck.” He stated, smiling. “I took the chance when it was handed to me, and luck played a huge factor in that attempt. Age doesn't really matter nowadays, so I also have that to thank.”

Liam smiles and begins to drive back home. “Even though we have both aged, we still look great. It's all about the diet that I made us do and the exercising. I deserve a few thanks because of that, darling.” He smirks and earns an eye roll from the well-aged Irishman.

“Why wouldn't I have agreed to that diet and exercising.” His thoughts go back far. “You used to push me when it came to making extreme decisions, and I thanked you after all of the results.” Niall sees Liam place his hand over his own and smiles. “It's crazy to think how far we've come, now that I think about everything.” He sighs softly. “Sean has grown up so fast, we dealt with people who have hurt us and survived, and our friends have stayed since the beginning. It's-”

“Insane.” Liam smiles along with him. “I completely agree, and nothing would make me happier than to see Sean date Kyler. They're absolutely adorable together, plus Harry and Louis agree with me.” He laughs.

Niall's smile grows. “I think so, too! Their chemistry reminds me of when we were both younger. Well, you were still a full grown man at the time-”

“Hey!” Liam glares at him and earns a short laugh.

“You know what I mean.” Niall grins. “I can't deny the fact that you still look very sexy, though.” His short grin changed into a smirk which makes Liam hum lowly.

“Oh yeah? Why don't I prove that I still have the moves in bed when we get inside?” Liam parked the car and gives Niall a certain look that sends shivers down his spine. The Irishman was instantly excited.

“It has been way too long,” Niall replied. Truthfully, they haven't done anything remotely close to sexual in months, but they haven't had any frustrations. Yet, the two of them miss it. Niall misses feeling every inch of Liam that never failed to please him, and Liam missed the Irishman's small, gentle moans and touches. It used to be easier for them.

About an hour passed when Niall found himself stuffed into Liam's right side. Their breathing was still heavy, but not loud enough to ruin this tender moment.

“You sure do still have those moves... I'm surprised you didn't break a bone with how fast you were able to maneuver.”

Liam rolls his eyes at him and plants a quick kiss to his right temple. “Ha ha, very funny.” He smirks. “I may be a lot older than I was years ago, but moving like that is a breeze because of how flexible I got from working out.” He hums. “Your legs were easy to spread as well.” He kisses the side of Niall's head and hears a soft chuckle that warms his heart instantaneously.

“It has always been an easy task to spread my legs for you, babe.” He plants a quick kiss to his lips. “How about we do this again before I have to go and pick up Sean and Kyler later? I've got enough energy for it.”

Liam smirks and trickles his right hand along Niall's side. He feels him up enough to heighten his mood and touch the fair skin, which felt perfectly soft.

“Don't have to tell me twice, my love.”


Author's Note: These last two chapters will be shorter than the others, apologizes! Go check out my new story ‘Inefficient’ to have some more Niam, though! That story is already almost complete, so might as well, right? Hope you enjoyed this chapter and I love you all x

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