Five: Thankful

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The next summer came long fast, Niall finally sixteen years old as he spent the summer at the Payne household. This daily routine always brought a smile to his face, but he knew that it'd be more difficult with Louis' sisters being gone and off to college.

He knew of their summer courses and felt saddened because he felt certain that they'd come back to visit. Louis only received Niall, his best friend that meant so much to him, but not as much as his sisters who had a much more special place in his heart after all of these years.

The Irish boy knew that well, having no hard feelings as Louis needed a little space here and there to think. Niall spent this time with Liam when he had worked at home, trying not to disturb him even though he became a lot more attractive in the span of a year. Niall couldn't look away.

Liam never paid attention to his staring when it occurred, focusing on his hard work rather than the young boy that loved every single bit of him that he could see.

Niall wished to see more than he could but knew that it'd have to wait, his patience eating him away on the inside as the rancid thoughts always came back to play.

He would become flustered, panicky and jittery all in one whenever he thought of such things, and he had to suffer through each agonizing moment while trying not to make a fool of himself. It worked out in his favor each time, putting him at ease.

In the middle of a particular night in late July though, the feelings Niall had for Liam skyrocketed, becoming even more intense without the elder brunette doing too much.

The simple gestures that he continued to make made Niall's feelings change remarkably, growing more attached to the father of his best friend. It still caused him to cringe at times, thinking of becoming Louis' stepfather, but he loved Liam and parenting Louis was already a routine.

It became ten at night after a short day in the Payne household, it playing similar to the one where the pair had cuddled and fell asleep. Instead, Niall didn't feel sleepy at all. He felt more awake than during that night, watching Liam continuously work, long fingers typing away at the keyboard.

Niall felt as impressed as ever when seeing the elder brunette work so hard, also wondering how good his fingers felt. But he shook the thought away when finding himself sitting next to the man, watching him work intently. Liam didn't pay any attention to the boy, not wanting to look away or he'd lose his train of thought.

The young Irish boy figured that, keeping his short distance but paid full attention to the screen and fingers that captivated him entirely. Niall couldn't figure out why he found them so magnificent, feeling giddy on the inside whenever he looked at them.

He shook that thought away as well when seeing Liam turn off the computer, noticing that the man had been staring at him as it occurred. Niall felt his cheeks become warm as the taller man then smiled, standing up from his chair.

“Let's go get some sleep, love. Would you like to room with me again? If not, it's up to you.” Niall nodded, standing up with Liam before making his way into said man's room first, going into his bathroom to brush his teeth. He felt like he lived in the man's room ever since the first night they had slept together, it replacing home by a long shot as he adored Liam's security.

The man came into the bathroom as well, brushing his own teeth with nothing but sweats on and messy hair to go along with it. This didn't help Niall's case at all, the young boy basically melting on the inside when subtly staring at Liam in the mirror.

He had to quickly finish brushing his teeth to go back into the bedroom without gaining a problem, succeeding with a small smile appearing on his face. Niall snuggled under the sheets and turned on his phone, looking through his social media while trying not to look at Liam who had walked in, sweats hanging low from his waist.

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