Eight: Intense

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Niall and Liam stood there, staring at each other without knowing what to say next after the breathtaking kiss. The elder brunette didn't know what came over him, but it felt perfect nonetheless, even if he realized that he just cheated on Cheryl.

It didn't matter at that point, even though they were on a break, as he kissed the Irish boy for a second time, gently pushing him against a nearby wall, pinning him to it as he cupped Niall's cheeks in his hands again. Nothing has ever felt so right, so real than kissing Niall like this.

But he had to pull away when hearing the door open, Louis walking out moments later with his phone pressed to his ear, Liam quickly mimicking the action as he turned away. Niall smiled at his friend, who raised his brow at the situation.

“Hold on, Daisy... Is everything okay with my dad? He seemed a bit flustered when he brought up looking for you,” Louis said after putting his phone on his shoulder.

Niall nodded with a small smile, “yeah. He brought up a few things that I talked about with him before he came here. Nothing to worry about, Lou.” The other brunette nodded this time then went towards the bathroom, Liam pretending to hang up his phone when seeing his son leave.

He looked over at Niall who continued blushing, hands on his cheeks as he smiled from ear to ear simultaneously. This made the man smile before he pecked Niall's lips, still figuring out deep within his mind if this relationship had changed or not.

“I know that Cheryl and I are on a break, and I'm not sure what my feelings are at this point, but would you let me find out if what we have is what I want, love?” Niall nodded without any hesitation, his smile never fading as he pulled the man into a hug, keeping him close and warm.

Liam hugged him back with a similar grin, keeping hold of the smaller boy until pulling away when feeling his phone vibrate. He checked to see who texted him, sighing when Cheryl did so.

Niall noticed it as well and crossed his arms, rolling his eyes while he went over to the door. Liam grabbed his wrist like that one night and held him close to his side, not wanting to let go one bit as he read the text thoroughly.

Cheryl: I know what I said made you really upset, but I think I've changed my mind. You don't have to change your mind either, so take as long as you need to think about it, okay? Not too long, though ;)

He shook his head sighing, leaving her on read before slipping his phone in his back pocket without second guessing it.

Niall smiled and kissed his cheek, earning a bright smile in response before pulling the man into the dorm room seconds later.

“I hope you don't mind that I'll be hanging out with Shawn later... It's obvious that he's already lusting over me, but-”

“No need to worry, love. We haven't made things official anyway and the kiss... It was amazing, but I still need to figure all of this out. If I'll even tell Louis or your parents about what just happened...” Niall nodded, sporting a small smile as Louis then entered the room, setting his amenities down before going to his father to hug him tightly.

Liam winked at the Irishman as he hugged his son back, causing Niall's cheeks to warm up again as he stood up, going to his desk.

“You'll be visiting my every weekend, right? I mean, until I become comfortable with all of this?” His father nodded, glancing over at Niall who had his back turned to him.

“Yes, son. I'm here for Niall as well since his parents don't have enough time to visit like me. I hope it's okay if I spend some time with him as well.” Louis smiled, letting out a slow sigh of happiness as he hugged Liam again.

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