Twelve: Close Call

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Niall went back to his dorm room after spending time and eating with Shawn, sitting at his desk as the sun slowly went down.

He didn't take notice of it when beginning the homework that became forgotten due to Liam coming over and Shawn taking him away for most of the next day.

Louis coming in about an hour later fazed him the same way, Niall's eyes glued onto the computer in front of him with the notes being taken through an easy to access document.

The frailer brunette sat down at his own desk and continued on with the work needed to be finished for the coming week, thinking about Harry in the process as his computer started up in the slowly darkening dorm room.

Niall eventually finished and turned to speak with his best friend, but he moved. The Irishman turned a bit more and saw him fast asleep, making himself chuckle lightly.

He went over to the smaller male and put the blanket on him before slipping in his own bed, grabbing his phone to call Liam.

The man had texted him he and there throughout the day, becoming a bit embarrassed to have sent that risky photo, but Niall reassured him of his good decision.

Liam picked up the call after the second dial with a soft smile, laying in his bed carelessly.

“Hello, love. How was the homework?” Niall hummed and pulled off his socks and jeans, leaving him in his loose boxers.

“Easy enough to take me the rest of the day to do. How was your afternoon?” Liam pouted on the other side of the phone, running a hand along his chest as he listened to Niall's steady breathing before replying.

“Good, good, a bit lonely, but sending you that photo of me helped me calm down a bit.” Niall blushes and remembers the phone call not too long ago, wanting to bring it up.

“I'm glad... but I'm remembering the night you got drunk and actually, erm... we actually talked dirty to each other.” Liam's eyes grew wide as his cheeks felt instantly warm, looking over at the bottles in the bin.

“So that's why I don't remember our hour-long phone call... Damn... Was it really all that amazing? I mean, I woke up pretty messy...” The Irishman chuckles lightly and nods to himself, reminiscing about the night easily.

“Yes, yeah, erm... you continued to moan, like a lot... called me baby boy often... and kept telling me how you were going to fück me with your huge-”

“I-I think I understand, darling. No need to clarify it any l-longer,” Liam quickly interjected, feeling his cheeks turn warmer at Niall speaking about their half-forgotten engagement. He wished he remembered it.

Niall laughs softly, looking over at Louis to make sure he'd been fast asleep still. Waking him up at this time would be a nightmare.

“I'm sure you'll want to do it again and I won't hesitate to send you the call afterward, that time,” Liam smirks a bit to himself.

“You recorded the first call, didn't you?” The Irishman blushes even harder, regretting the choices he made in his last statement.

“Y-Yes, but I haven't listened to it back, at least not yet, because I, erm... haven't really been in the mood to do anything, especially with Louis only five feet away from me.”

Liam hums, biting his bottom lip carefully as he thinks about more than just Niall and the state that he's in right then and there.

“I'm sure you'll be ready eventually, love. I do want to hear you talk how you did with me that night, even if it's just for fun,” Liam spoke huskily, knowing well that he'd do more than just talk dirty to the younger male.

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