Twenty: Hesitancy

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Niall soon left the beautiful hotel room to meet up with Shawn and his friend, Hailee. He had no idea how it'd turn out when getting to know the girl, but he had no interest in women or anyone else at all, besides Liam, the man who loved him right back. He could always count on Liam to love.

As he made his way down to the beach, strong arms grabbed him from behind and held him close, but Niall knew the only person who could do such a thing with him knowing it'd be in the first place.

The Irishman turns and sees Shawn, smiling slightly at the brunette girl next to him who had to be Hailee. She smiled right back as Shawn couldn't help but stare at him with a bright expression.

“Niall, this is Hailee and Hailee, this is Niall. I'm sure you two will get along very well throughout this trip, but know that Niall here is taken by a very gorgeous and older man.” The Irishman rolls his eyes, arms crossing as Hailee frowns a little.

“An older man? So you'd be into Shawn as well, huh? Since he's older than you.” Niall shook his head, chuckling lightly at her oblivious reasoning.

“No, no. I mean daddy kind of age. I'm dating my friend's father after all, and he's in his thirties.” Hailee hums, glancing over at Shawn who seemed to appear a bit agitated, but she didn't want to say anything to ruin the pure moment with Niall.

“Cool, well why don't the three of us head down to the beach already, catch some sun, enjoy the water and get to know a little more about each other in the process. How does that sound?” The two men nodded in agreement, following her lead as Shawn carried both of the duffle bags for the experience.

“She's got a boyfriend now, Cameron, and they're thinking about getting married already. It's a little bit uncommon for couples to do such a thing, but doesn't it seem like a perfect idea? Wanting to be with the one you love, wearing the same rings, and telling each other the simple I love yous every night while being married? I just love it.”

Niall coos at Shawn's excitement for his friend, glancing over at her whilst she twirls her hair around and films herself on Snapchat. It makes the Irishman quite excited when thinking about marrying Liam, but it felt too soon for his liking.

When the three make it down to the beach, they discard their tops and slather on enough sunscreen, especially for Niall who began to tan a little with the sensitive skin he had. Shawn took notice of this and helped the Irishman put it on, making sure to keep the personal touches to a minimum.

Niall figured out that Shawn would never let his feelings go, so he needed to figure out a resolution in order for him to forget about his feelings. Being up front felt like the right idea, it resulting in either Shawn spilling the truth or neglecting it entirely.

After some time had passed, Niall and Shawn lied down on two separate beach chairs, relaxing in the comforting heat while Hailee spent her time with Cameron who eventually came by after a meeting.

The Irishman needed to rip off the band-aid by then, doing so with a slightly shaky tone and heart beating out of his chest like crazy.

“Shawn, I... It's obvious that you still have feelings for me and I don't want to start any type of argument because of that, but you need to know that Liam will always be the one to have my heart in that type of way. You're one of the greatest people I've ever met, and I can't help but feel bad for putting you through this.” Shawn sighs, lips pursed as he turns towards Niall with a raised brow.

“I guess I can't keep a secret forever, huh? Even if it was painfully obvious, but what if we can do at least one thing together? Just to try and get me over you after the many months that I've liked you...” Niall shrugged, becoming extremely nervous all of the sudden, and he shouldn't have.

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