Six: Ungrateful

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Niall made it to the Payne household after packing up a few suitcases this time, seeing Louis at the front door with a smile on his face, looking as thin as ever.

A year had passed, the boys being seventeen and nearly seniors, and the pair felt confident about their choices during the summer. They'd begin to search for colleges together and make sure that there'd be dorms where they can room together when the time comes.

Niall's smile faded though, seeing Cheryl all over Liam in the living where he wanted to be to discuss his college endeavors.

Louis insisted that it'd be okay before the Irishman headed towards the bedroom, earning a sigh from him as they went over to sit at the other couch, making sure to sit as far away from them as possible.

Liam gave Niall a small smile when seeing him after not being able to for a few months, earning a quick one back before the younger one of the two pulled out his laptop and plugged the charger in. He gained help from Louis who put the cord in the outlet to make it genuinely work.

The two tried their best to scour through the different college sites that they have been recommended for with their two unique laptops, attempting to ignore the adults who continuously giggled, kissed and talked a little too naughtily.

Niall didn't let it last for long due to his feelings for Liam and the jealousy that he had for Cheryl, typing more aggressively which caught both of their attention.

Louis knew that whatever came next would only end up going badly, but he attempted to keep on working nonetheless.

“Is there a problem, Niall?” Cheryl asked in a snarky tone, only adding to the Irish boy's pent-up anger for the lewd and disgusting woman that always left Liam in the dust. The man deserved much better.

But Niall did speak up and didn't give a second thought to what he said next.

“Yes, I do have a problem, Cheryl. It may not be my business, but you're never here for the man that does so much for himself and his intelligent son. You continue to take these bullshit trips when it's obvious that there's something else going on behind closed doors.”

Louis smirked a bit from his words, thinking the same exact thing as him. He had to listen to the rest, looking over at Cheryl who's mouth opened wide.

“You're just too caught up in abusing this man whenever you can, using him for a quick fück before you leave and be slutty for some other guys, and it sickens me greatly because he deserves someone who can love him unconditionally. A person that would treat him correctly, unlike you.”

Cheryl had no chance to reply as Niall then stormed off into the bathroom that didn't have a connected room to it, slamming the door shut before sliding down against it.

He covered his face as tears dripped down it, but he didn't know why he cried. Louis ran after him as Cheryl sat there awestruck, Liam rubbing her back as he frowned a little from the boy's words.

The brunette man wondered if Niall spoke the truth just then, figuring that it'd be better to talk with the boy later on about what agitated him so much. He had to know about Niall's issues over Cheryl.

Louis knocked on the bathroom door whilst sighing softly, hearing his best friend sniffing and sobbing at the same time. His heart tore up a bit as he heard this, but he wondered why Niall acted up so seriously, even if Cheryl deserved it, a lot.

“Can you please open the door, Nialler? I'll bring everything to my bedroom so you won't have to deal with them, yeah?” He heard nothing from the Irish boy after speaking up, figuring that he said what Niall wanted to hear after what happened.

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