Three: Tempting

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Niall woke up in the middle of the night at his desk, groaning when realizing he snuck a few hard drinks into his system. He didn't mean to do such a troublesome act, but he needed the intense flavor to calm him down from the difficult homework.

Following his attempt at waking up, Niall checked his phone as he turned the computer in front of him off, going over to his bed to sleep more comfortably.

He didn't notice the missed call from Liam until he got under his covers, eyes widening when seeing a voicemail from the older man. Niall didn't hesitate at all to click the voicemail and bring it to his ear.

“I guess I like calling you late at night, huh? That isn't the reason why I need to speak with you though, Niall. Cheryl's already gone after nothing and I guess I can't blame her for trying to be with a deadbeat dad like me. But maybe that's the alcohol talking... Anyway. Call me back when you can. I know Cheryl won't...”

Niall sighed as the phone beeped quietly in his ear, turning off his phone moments later after deciding to not text Liam. He needed to rest a bit more in order to not fall asleep during his courses later, and it'd only be worse if he sent a simple message.

As a result, waking up a few hours later lent him enough energy to function. He got ready with Louis as usual before looking at his phone for the first time, noticing a lengthy text from Liam.

Daddy 💗: I feel terribly embarrassed about my voicemail last night. Someone should really take this alcohol away from me, and I hope that you aren't too shocked about what I had said. She just left without a word and I didn't know how to handle myself, but get back to me when you can.

Niall decided to ignore Liam after a short reply, figuring that the elder male needed his headspace to think clearly after dealing with Cheryl for a short amount of time.

Niall: It's not a problem, Liam. Just try not to wake me up in the middle of the night, okay? I have homework due and getting no sleep won't help me that much. Hope you understand and I'll get back to you soon.

The Irishman young man realized that steering away from Liam could help them both with what they want.

Niall can think about his feelings for the elder man, while Liam can ponder about Cheryl and their obvious, toxic relationship that's not helping either of them now.

He took his time afterward when gathering his belongings and putting them in his backpack, neither him or Louis saying a single word the entire morning.

It confused Niall, to say the least, and he wondered if Louis was mad at him for any apparent reason. He knew that he did nothing wrong, but Louis seemed a little bit off and angry at him. What could it be?

The Irish young man turned to Louis before they went their separate ways, resting his hands on his hips as the smaller brunette looked up at him slowly.

“Did I do something wrong, Lou? You haven't said a single word this morning and you were a lot more jittery last night. I know that I did nothing wrong and-”

“Niall, Nialler, don't worry about it, okay? It's just a random mood swing that decided to hit me in the face when I woke up.” Louis reassured and interrupted him. “I promise that I'm not mad at you; I have no reason to be after all that we've been through.”

Niall sighed, nodding as he brought Louis into a tight hug whilst growing a smile. The smaller brunette grew a similar one, pulling away first to pack up the rest of his materials necessary for his own courses.

They went their separate ways afterward, Niall meeting with Luke while Louis met with Harry in the classroom to talk. Both sets of people talked a lot before each of their classes, Louis and Harry developing the friendship that they had a bit more.

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