Chapter 9

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Dylan's POV

Wait... did Matt just say he was in love with me? All there was, was silence. I walked over to Matt and wrapped my arms around his neck. He leaned down and kissed me. His hands were around my waist and mine were still around his neck, he lifted me up and I put my legs around his waist. I was sure our bodies couldn't get any closer, he didn't even try and make out with me, and I was fine with that. The way it felt to have his lips pressed against mine was unlike no other feeling. I pulled away and we untangled, once my feet hit the ground I looked up at Matt, "I didn't really mean it when I said I didn't want you in my life anymore," I looked down but Matt lifted my chin, "Its okay Dyl, you had every right to be angry with me." I smiled, "I'm going to get some rest it's getting late." I started walking towards the door, but stopped, I didn't turn around I just said it, "I love you too Matthew."

*next morning*

I was sleeping when there was a knock at my door, I got out of bed hardly knowing where I was going. I yawned and opened the door, it was a girl, but I didn't know her, "Hello?" she didn't look to happy, "You better stay away from Matt, got it?" I didn't even respond, she just left. After that I took a long shower, when I got out I put my hair into a messy bun and applied makeup. Andrea wasn't in the room anymore probably with Shawn, I just shrugged it off and headed out to find Matt. I was about to turn the corner but I bumped into Jack J. "Hey Dylan, what's up?" I smiled, "Nothing, going to find Matt, how are you feeling?" "Fine, good news is my nose isn't broken, just super swollen." I looked the other way, "Yeah, and again, I am sorry but I gotta go so I'll so you later." When I reached Matt's room I knocked and Cameron answered.

Matt's POV

There was a knock at the door but before I could go answer it Cameron had opened it. "Is Matt here?" I smiled and went over to the door, "Hey Dyl, what's up?" "Uhm someone came to my door this morning and I'm sure you'll be able to tell me who." I cocked my head, "Sure tell me." She cleared her throat, "I was sleeping and there was a knock on my door, I was expecting you but it wasn't. There was some red head there and she told me to 'stay away from Matt'".

Cameron's POV

"Ohh that's a girl that Matt had a fling with a few months ago, her names Michelle." Dylan's eyes widened, "And may I ask why she showed up at my door?" Matt answered before I could, "She probably saw that picture of that we took before we ended up in the pool, but don't worry she isn't a threat." I could see that her muscles were relaxing but I could tell she was still agitated, "Well technically it was a threat."

Dylan's POV

"Well I am not going to let some dumb girl get me all worked up." Before anyone could respond my phone buzzed, it was a text from my mom:

Mom: Honey Tanner is very sick and I was just called on a business trip, please catch a flight home tonight.

Me: Okay.... If only dad didn't leave us I could stay longer

Mom: I know princess, another time you can go back, I love you.

I groaned and went and sat on the bed next to Matt. "Are you okay?" "I appreciate your concern Cameron but I would rather not talk about my life at home." Matt put his arm around me and pulled me closer. I wanted to cry so bad but I didn't want the boys to see, "I have to step out I'll be back." I rushed out into the hall and collapsed against the wall outside their room. I couldn't believe Tanner was sick again, and now I have to leave Matt. I couldn't help but cry and I guess the guys heard me because they were both carrying me back into their room shortly after I left. I just laid there curled up into a ball on the bed for a while before I decided to tell them. "Do you guys really want to know?" They both nodded, they really looked like they cared, "Okay, so when I was 13 my dad left, no note, or anything, he just vanished and I haven't seen him since, also, my 13 year old brother Tanner was diagnosed with leukemia when he was 7 and he just got bad again." I buried my face in my hands, both boys were speechless. "All and all my mom just texted me saying she was called on a business trip and she needs me to be home with Tanner... but I have to leave tonight." As soon as I spilled the last part both boys spoke, first Matt "Wait you're leaving tonight!?" then Cameron "I am so sorry, ugh we don't want you to leave." They both came over to me and pulled me into a tight group hug. "I have to go to my room to pack, and to tell Andrea, can you and the guys bring us to the airport later?" Cameron answered, "Of course we can bring you girls, anything for the ones we love." I smiled and left without saying another word. After I finished telling Andrea and we packed I texted Matt:

Me: meet you guys in the lobby our plane leaves in two hours

There was a knock at the door and Andrea answered it. I tried to get a look and I then saw Matt. "Come with me for ten minutes please," how could I say no to his puppy dog face. We walked hand in hand as he led me up the narrow stairs once again until we reached the roof. "I wanted to come up here again just one last time before you leave," he looked into my eyes, "I don't want to leave you Matt." The only response he provided was his lips being pressed into mine, again, we did not make out but just kissing him at this moment made everything so special. When we got back to my room I went in to grab my bags, once we were in the lobby Andrea and I checked out and we all loaded into the limo. In the airport we all said our goodbyes, Shawn and Andrea were close to inseparable. We all took a lot of goofy pictures and by the time they called our ten minute warning we were crying. "Flight to New York City is now boarding, take off in five." We said our final goodbyes, when I got to Matt he embraced me so tight, he planted his lips on mine and his hands wrapped around my waist. I ran my fingers through his hair and deepened the kiss. "Come on Dyl, it's time to go home." I pulled away from Matt and embraced him once more. I couldn't bear to look into his eyes so I turned to board the plane with Andrea. My heart ached more and more every step I took, knowing I was further and further from Matt's arms.


last part for tonight! I'll update tomorrow! Vote and comment opinions!!!!

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