Chapter 25

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Dylan’s POV

I woke up the next morning and the smell of delicious food filled the air. I got up and left my room and headed for the kitchen. When I walked in I saw Lisa making pancakes, “Hey Lisa, good morning.” She turned around as she flipped a pancake, “Oh hey Dyl, good morning.” I smiled and took a seat at the island. “Can I ask you something?” “Of course, shoot.” Okay here I go “Did Susan tell you about how I am in MAGCON and how I lived with Taylor and all that jazz?” She chuckled, “Yes. And Dylan you are just like your mother was when we were growing up, she was a wild party animal.” I let out a laugh, “I like hearing I am like my mom.” She smiled, “Of course you are, you’re her daughter.” She finished making the pancakes and we sat down to eat. “Wait Lisa, I never asked you my question,” she chuckled, “Okay what is it?” “Well, I still want to be a part of MAGCON but it’s entirely up to you.” She finished chewing and then answered, “Of course, Dylan MAGCON means a lot to you I would never want to take something like that away from you. And how could I possibly take you away from your boyfriend.” I blushed, “Thank you Lisa.” When we finished breakfast I helped with the dishes and then went back to my room to get ready.

Matt: hey beautiful, how are you?

Me: amazing tbh

Matt: how’s the new foster family?

Me: my aunt decided to adopt me, and my mom left the house to me in her will. My aunt agreed to move to New York and live in my house! Tell all the boys I will still be touring<3

Matt: Oh my God! I am so happy for you, I will tell them!!!!

I talked to Matt for a while as I was getting ready, then I called up Andrea. I told her everything and invited her to sleep over tomorrow.

*the next day*

Around 5 there was a knock at my door, I raced down the stairs and into the front hall. I grabbed the handle expecting to see Andrea but instead it was Andrea and all the boys. “Oh my gosh guys!” I let everyone in and hugged them all. “What are you all doing here?” Gilinsky spoke up, “Andrea contacted all of us yesterday and told us we should all come and surprise you.”  I blushed, “Guys this is seriously so unnecessary but the sweetest thing ever.” Matt spoke up, “Nothing will ever be unnecessary when it comes to you Dylan.” I went over and pulled him into yet another hug. I brought them all into the living room and introduced each and every one of them to Lisa, her face lit up when Matt said hello. After they said their hellos we all went upstairs into the other living room. “How long are you guys in town?” Taylor spoke up, “We are staying in the hotel we were supposed to last time for about a week, then we all have a flight to Boston next weekend for another tour.” I was shocked, “Wow Bart has us going on a lot of tours,” Andrea chuckled, “Yeah he wants to do a lot before the end of summer since we will have school on our plates as well as our tour.” We all agreed on going for a swim so we all went into separate rooms and changed. Once everyone was outside the chaos began, everywhere you looked someone was getting shoved into the pool and smackcamed, it was insane. I was talking to Andrea in the deep end when a hand grabbed my foot and pulled me under, I felt lips press into mine and I kissed back assuming and hoping it was Matt. We got back to the surface and I opened my eyes to see Matt, “How did you know it was me?” I gigged, “I didn’t, I just assumed.”

Around 8 we decided to watch a movie before the boys headed back to their hotel. We were at the part in Chernobyl Diaries where the bear ran through the hallway when Taylor tapped me on the shoulder, “Come with me for a second.” I got off the couch and followed him into the hallway, “What’s up?” He pulled me into a hug which lasted a good minute. “Listen Dylan, I want you to know how terribly sorry I am about everything,” I put my hand on his shoulder, “Don’t worry Taylor. I am so happy it did happen because now I have my home back and my aunt.” He smiled, “Then you’re welcome for making out with you while we were wasted.” We both laughed and walked back to join the others.

It was now 10 and the movie was finally over. Andrea and I said goodbye to everybody, Matt and I stayed on the porch a little bit longer to say our goodbye. I pulled him into a hug and kissed his cheek “I’ll see you soon.” He frowned, “That’s it?” I blushed and he pressed his lips against mine and I kissed him back. He started down the steps, “I love you Dylan, goodnight.” I smiled, “I love you too Matthew, goodnight.”

The rest of the night Andrea and I partied in my room since we were both super excited that things can somewhat go back to normal. I was really happy that my life was finally getting pieced back together. 


yayay here yah go, im going out with my friends later for my birthday so idk if i will post 26 tonight! hope you're having a good valentines day!!<33

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