Chapter 28

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Aaron’s POV

It’s been a good 10 minutes… I wonder if Andrea is okay. I took out my phone and started texting her

Me: Andrea are yo

I heard a lot of screaming and looked up, I looked towards the bathroom and saw a body laying limp on the floor. I ran over to the body begging god that it wasn’t Andrea… but it was. She was only in a bra which I would probably be enjoying any other time but now. “Help!” I couldn’t stop screaming, “Somebody help.” I picked Andrea up in my arms and held her close to me, “It’s going to be okay.” I cradled her in my arms until the EMT’s showed up.

Dylan’s POV

I was about to fall asleep when there was a loud knock on my door. I sprang out of bed and ran to open the door. “Matt what’s going on?” He seemed really anxious, “Grab your key c’mon we have to go I’ll explain on the way there.” I grabbed my key and we took off down the hallway.

When we got into the limo I instantly started questioning him, “Matt tell me what’s happening.” He paused and then spoke, “Do you know any reason that someone would possibly be after Andrea?” My heart started pounding, I was so scared… I thought they would never find us. “She told me not to tell a soul,” he gave me a glare, “Andrea’s in the hospital, she’s been drugged and she isn’t awake to tell us why and what happened to her.” I couldn’t believe they had found her… when Andrea was little our moms got caught up with one of the worst gangs in New York… ever since things started getting bad they’ve been on the run. I let out a heavy sigh and told him everything I know. After five minutes I had finally told him one of the most buried up parts of my past. “Are… are they going to come after you.” I knew they would but I didn’t want him to worry, “Yes Matt, but now we know he’s close to us, we can stop it.” Matt pulled me into a hug and I leaned my head against his chest, “I will never, ever, let someone hurt you okay?” I nodded, “I know you won’t.”

When we reached the hospital we both ran down the long hallway and came across Aaron sitting on the bench, he got up as soon as he saw us and pulled me into a hug. “I’m so sorry you had to see that Aaron.” He pulled away and nodded, “It’s fine, better than you being there.” I winced, “Not entirely I could’ve done something.” I could see that made him angry, “Are you saying that I didn’t do anything because I wasn’t manly enough?” Matt stepped in front of me, “No no Aaron, come take a walk with me I’ll catch you up.”

After that Aaron and Matt took a few laps around the halls while I sat outside on the bench. A few minutes later a doctor emerged from her room and I immediately got up and walked over to him, “Wait sir.” He turned around and gave me a faint smile, “Yes?” I have no clue what I’m supposed to say, “Listen I know who could’ve done this to her,” there was silence between us and he then ordered me to follow him. We walked back down the hallway where he then walked me over to a cop, “This girl can help you.” I gave a faint smile and he then nodded, “Can you come with me to the station?” I nodded, “I need to go tell my boyfriend he will be worried if I leave, I’ll be back in five minutes.” He nodded and I took off down the hallway, I found Aaron and Matt by the vending machine, “Matt.” He turned around, “Hey is everything okay?” I could tell he was worried, “Yes, the police are taking me back to the station with them, I think I can help them find the guy.” “Wait no I want to come, I am not letting you be by yourself.” I gave him a small smile, “Matt I will be with the police and I will have an officer bring me back to my room, I will text you later okay.” He forced a smile and kissed me on the cheek.

When we got to the police station I followed the officer into his office. “Okay, let’s start off with how do you know Andrea?” I took a deep breath, “She’s my best friend.” He nodded and started writing things, “How did you guys meet?” I already knew I was going to hate explaining this, “When I was really little my mother had gotten caught up in this gang called The Black Ravens. When they realized what the gang did my mother and Andrea’s mother ran away, they didn’t want us to get hurt.” He nodded, “Keep going.” I sighed “Well when we were all on the run we would occasionally be stalked, and they kept finding us. My dad was a part of them but broke away to be with his children and my mom.” I let a tear fall down my cheek, “He left us when I was 13… no one wanted to admit it but we all knew he went back to the gang.” The cop kept writing, “So you think they’ve found you?” I nodded, “Yes, and now they’ve most likely drugged her… their batches are extremely lethal.” He nodded again, “Okay you’re all set for now, I’ll have one of my guy’s get you back to your room safely.”

When I got back to the room I quickly texted Matt:

Me: hey I am back at the hotel.

A few minute later there was a knock on my door, I looked through my peep hole and saw Matt. I opened the door, “Hey Matt,” he pulled me into a hug and we then went to lay down.

That night we sat in bed watching movies which I really enjoyed. I fell asleep wrapped in his arms, I was happy that he was here to make sure I was safe.

Around 3, I woke up needing to pee. I got up form bed and walked into the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and thought I saw someone in the reflection, I turned around but no one was there. I turned back towards the mirror and saw a man standing there before I had the chance the scream I felt a blow to my head, and I was knocked out.

I woke up freezing, I looked around and saw that I was only wearing a bra and my shorts… really did this man have a thing for taking off our shirts. I looked around and saw the man standing there, thank god I was still in our hotel room. He knelt down beside me, “I thought instead of injecting you with lethal poison I would try something different.” I cringed at the thought. “I have someone who would love to say hello.” I looked around and saw a man standing in the door way... my father. So many emotions flooded out of me and I let the tears fall. He walked over to me and ripped the duct tape from my mouth, “Why?” That was all I had to say to him, “Because, daughter of mine, you mean nothing to me.” The other man laughed, “Listen, I didn’t bring him in here to torture you… but for me to torture you, using him.” He pulled out a knife and with a flick of his wrist the knife flew at my dad’s chest. He buckled over falling in a heap to the floor. “NO!” The man chuckled, “Oops, now get up bitch.” I got up and he walked me out into the room where Matt was sitting on the bed with duct tape over his mouth and tied with rope. He kicked my back and I fell into the bed. He turned me over, and kicked me again so I was now laying on the floor. He kept driving his foot into my side and when I coughed I saw blood splatter onto the carpet. I tried to stay conscious but it was useless, I let my mind drift until all I saw was darkness.  


woah this took a while to write but OMGGGG!!! VOTE AND COMMENT OPINIONS, i needed to add drama to this, is it good?:D ILY ALL SO MUCH THANKS SO SO SO MUCH FOR 3K READS WHOOP PARTYYYYYYYYY.

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