Chapter 15

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Dylan’s POV                 

Later that night Susan came by to talk with me and Taylor. She sat us down in the upstairs living room, “Taylor, your mom said she was willing to foster Dylan until she can be on her own. She is willing to let her stay with you even through college if she still needs a home.” I turned to Taylor and embraced him into a tight hug. “I hope everything works out Dylan, go pack your bags, I am go pick you up at 10 am tomorrow. Once she was gone I ran to find Matt, “Matt! It worked!” he pulled me closer to him and pressed his lips against mine and pulled me even closer. “I am really happy that you will be in the hands of great people.” I blushed and walked out of the room and headed up to the third floor. I opened the attic door and went to get suitcases. When I got back to my room I started taking clothes from my closet and sorting my don’t fit anymore and I can take these clothes into different piles. About an hour later my clothes were packed, now time to put some of my things from my room into a suitcase. I gathered up my books, picture frames, and the other most important things I own. After I was finally done packing up my room I walked down the hall to my mom’s room. I walked over to her jewelry box and found her wedding ring, after my dad left us she really never wore it. I put the ring in my pocket and walked further down the hall into Tanner’s room. I walked over to his closet and opened the doors, in the back was his skateboard, it meant everything to him. I picked it up and walked back down the hall to my room. Walking through the door to my room and seeing it so empty was terrifying, knowing I will never see this house again, it will soon be stripped and the life I once lived will be gone forever. I sat down on my bed and then heard a knock on my door, “Hey Dyl, you okay?” It was Andrea, “No.” I put my head in my hands and she sat on the bed. “Andrea, it’s scary saying goodbye to your life, that’s how it feels. Everything I’ve come to know and love my whole life… is gone and it’s happening too fast.” She put her arm around me, “I know Dylan, it must be terrifying, but you need to know you have nine people including me that will never leave your side.” I forced a smile, “Thanks Andrea, I know I won’t be able to see you as much, but I’ll keep in touch, and we will always see each other when MAGCON comes around.” She pulled me in for a hug, “I love you sis.” “I love you too Andrea. I ‘m gonna go find Taylor.” She nodded, I rose from the bed and walked out. I found Taylor in the room him and Aaron were sharing, “Hey Taylor.” He turned to face me, “Hey! How are you?” I forced a smile, “Better, I just finished packing.” He went and sat on the bed and I joined him, “It’s going to be weird at first living together, but I think it’s going to be fun!” I nodded, “Yes, you’re like a brother to me, and I really love that your mother is willing to foster me for so long.” He chuckled, “Of course, how could we turn you down.” I giggled then got up and left.

*next morning*

I woke up around 9:00 and I carried all my bags to the front hall. By 9:30 everyone had packed their bags and started getting ready for the limo to come and bring them to the airport. I went to find the boys so I could say goodbye, I looked everywhere trying to find Matt and I finally found him on the third floor. “Hey Matt,” he turned around and smiled, “Hey Dyl.” I walked over to him and put my arms around his neck and he pulled me in closer. “I am going to miss you, but I will see you soon,” he kissed my nose. “I will miss you too,” I looked down but Matt lifted my chin and crashed his lips against mine, he tried to make out with me and I let him. When I noticed it was ten, we both ran downstairs to say our final goodbyes. The boys all loaded into the limo, Andrea left with her mom, and I hopped into the car with the social worker. I wasn’t sure why she was making me ride with her when we were going to the same place the boys were. When we got to the airport I bought my ticket and met up with Taylor to board our flight.

*later that night*

Once our flight landed and we were finally back in the airport we went and found Taylor’s mom. She hugged Taylor and then hugged me, “Thank you so much for taking me in Mrs. Caniff.” “Oh dear anything for one of Taylor’s friends, oh and you can call me Deborah (I DON’T KNOW IF THAT’S HER REAL NAME I JUST MADE ONE UP).” I smiled and we walked out to her car. When we got to their house, we unloaded the car of our things and Taylor showed me to where I would be staying. When I entered my new room, it reminded me so much of my old one, “Oh my gosh.” Taylor smiled, “I sent her a picture of your old room, we wanted you to feel at home.” I set my bags down and turned to hug Taylor, “Thank you so much.” Taylor left me alone so I could unpack and start setting up my room. Around 7 I had finished and I walked down stairs into the kitchen where I found Deborah, “Thank you so much for my room, I love it.” She smiled, “Anytime Dylan.”

That night I was putting some CD’s and books on my shelf when I felt something jab my thigh. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my mother’s wedding ring. Seeing it got me so overwhelmed, I walked over to the bed and collapsed. I was a mess, I couldn’t stop crying. Taylor rushed into the room and sat on the bed next to where I was lying, “Dylan, what’s wrong?” I sat up and faced him, “I just miss her so much.” He pulled me into a hug and I buried my face into his chest. I looked up at him and we made eye contact. He wiped the tears from my cheeks and leaned down and pressed his lips against mine.



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