Chapter 36

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Dylan's POV

When Andrea and I got back to my house I immediately ran into my room. I slammed the door after Andrea had entered and headed to my closet. Andrea was sitting on the bed but I still hadn't said anything, "Listen Dyl, I know your upset, you have every right to be, but you gotta talk about it," I sighed while grabbing my suitcase out of my closet and setting it on the bed next to Andrea. I closed my eyes and exhaled, "Listen I don't want to discuss what happened with Kyle, just forget it happened okay. I just can't take sitting around acting like nothing is going on. Matthew's mom wants to unplug him and I can't stop her, he's her son." Andrea nodded and placed her hand ontop of mine, "I know this is very hard for you, but you need to be strong. Where are you planning on going?" I sat down on the bed next to her, "I am going to ask Matt's mom if I can stay with them, I want to see Matt before he's gone." She put her arm around me pulling me closer, "We're all here for you Dyl," I nodded and walked back over to my closet to pick out clothes.

After I had finished packing I grabbed my phone and dialed Matt's mom's number, a few rings later she answered, "Hello? Dylan?" I cleared my throat, "yes it's me, I was wondering if it would be okay if I stayed with you for a little bit, I would like to see Matthew before you... unplug him." The other line was silent but then she answered, "That is fine with us, text me and let me know when I can expect you," after that I hung up the phone and went downstairs to find Lisa.

I walked into the living room and Lisa was seated on the couch, "Hey Lisa!" She looked over to me smiling, "Hey there Dylan, what's up?" I sat down besides her and twiddled my thumbs, "Can I get a flight to Virginia to see Matt? They are unplugging him and I want to see him before they do," she gave me a half smile, "of course you can!" I leaned in and hugged her. As I got up to walk away she spoke, "I can bring you to the airport tomorrow morning seeing as it's late, and we'll find you a flight," I smiled and walked back to my room.

In the morning, around 8:30, Andrea left and Lisa and I went out to the car.

"Ready?" Lisa smiled and turned the key in the ignition. The drive to the airport took a good 30 minutes, but it went by fast.

When we got inside we went through security then looked at the board, there was a flight at 10:00 and it is 9:37 right now. Lisa nodded yes and we walked to the counter to get my ticket.

After we paid we went and sat on the bench, "You going to be okay alone?" I nodded, "yes, I will text you when I land." She wrapped her arm around me and I leaned against her shoulder, "I understand this is very hard for you, just know know things get better," I forced a smile and then the intercom turned on flight to Virginia now boarding. I smiled and got up, "Well that's me," I grabbed my suitcase and said goodbye to Lisa.

Once I got on the plane I pulled out my phone and texted Mrs. Espinosa.

Me: just got on the plane, see you around 12.

Mrs. Espinosa: see you then! I'll pick you up at the airport

After I finished texting her I went to my music library and turned on Jack and Jack : Flights.

An hour later we landed and I went to collect my luggage. After finding my suitcase which took a good 10 minutes I walked over to where Matt's mom was standing. "Hey Dyl, how are you?" I smiled at her as we started walking towards the exit, "better, kinda." She nodded and we walked over to her car.

When we got to her house I grabbed my suitcase from the back and she led me into the house, "You can stay in Matt's room if you'd like," I smiled, "sure, if you don't mind." She laughed and then replied, "Of course I don't mind. Why don't you go get yourself settled and then I can take you by the hospital," I nodded and she showed me to Matt's bedroom.

Once she left I closed the door behind me and sat the suitcase on the bed. Even standing in his room without him here felt weird, though I've never been in here. I thought that the first time of me being in his home would be a lot different than the real reason I'm standing here. I pushed the thoughts away and moved my stuff off the bed replacing it with me. I looked up at the ceiling and let a tear roll down my face, and I thought how could this happen, how could my life have gone from near perfect to a shit-hole so quickly. I got up from the bed and walked back downstairs where she was waiting for me.

When we got to the hospital Mrs. Espinosa checked in, and we walked down the hallway to Matt's room. Before we walked in a spoke up, "Do you mind if I go alone Mrs. Espinosa?" she smiled, "please, call me Mary(DONT KNOW IF ITS HER REAL NAME OKAY), and of course go ahead." I smiled at the thought of being told to call her by her first name, and pushed the door open.

As soon as I walked in I saw Matthew laying motionless on the bed, it was horrible. I ran over to the bed and sat beside him, "Matthew I am so sorry," I wasn't sure why I said sorry but it just felt right. "I wish this didn't happen, I wish it was me." I let a tear slide down my face and I entangled my hand in his. "I don't know if you can hear this, but I want you to know this. I am sorry I was such a bitch when we met, I didn't mean it, even then I liked you." I laughed at myself, "For some reason I play hard to get too often, but with you it was different. Every second from the moment you hit me with your football has been amazing." I started to cry and I laughed at how stupid I felt, "You are forever going to be my first love and I will never love someone as much as I love you. I can't wrap my brain around the fact that when I walk down the isle I won't see your face, that I won't grow old with you, there were so many possibilities that can't happen now and it kills me inside. No matter what happens, I want the world to know that my love for Matthew Lee Espinosa is infinite and will never die." I took my hand from his and then Mary walked in tears staining her cheeks, "I am sorry I overheard that, but it was so beautiful Dylan," I gave her a half smile and looked down at my lap. I stood up and gently placed my lips on his, "Goodbye Matthew," I walked towards his mother but stopped before I left, "please do me a favor before you unplug him?" She nodded, "Run one more test," she smiled and I walked out.


So sorry I haven't posted in awhile! I love you all so so much & thank you for 6k reads<33 be sure to read my Taylor Caniff fanfic;)

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