Chapter 38 {final chapter}

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Dylan's POV

I woke up to the rumbling of the thunder in the clouds and a flash of lightening lit the room. I looked towards Matt, who was sound asleep. I snuggled back up to him and fell back asleep.

I felt a tightening grip on my hand then it relaxed, my eyes fluttered and I woke up. Darkness filled the room and I looked over to the clock but it read nothing, the power must've gone out. As soon as I finished my thought my heart lurched, shit. I turned to Matt and shook him, "Matt?" There was no response and when I looked over at his monitor the screen was black. I thought I was going to puke, Matt's mom had chosen the electric air machine and since the powers off, it's off. Tears welled up in my eyes and I shook Matt again, "Matthew wake up!" I kept shaking him but he was still. I screamed and Mary soon came running in, shinning her flashlight on us. I looked to her, tears streaming down my cheeks, "He doesn't have air we need to help him he isn't breathing!" She gasped and her hand flew to her mouth, she rushed to his bedside to take his pulse. I watched as her expression turned from determined to devastated. She leaned her head against the bed and started to cry. My eyes widened, "Mary hurry call 911 we need to save him!" she shook her head in between sobs, "Dyl... he is gone sweetie." Gone was the only thing I could hear, the word rang in my ears as I looked over to Matthew lying on the bed, so peaceful. My vision blurred as the tears kept coming, "Matthew please, you can't be gone. This wasn't supposed to happen. We were supposed to have a future and get married and grow old together." Mary had picked up her head and looked at me, her eyes blood shot. I let out a cry and leaned against Matthew's chest trying to speak, "Please Matt... please," I felt a hand on my back and I looked up to see his mom, "come with me, we need to call 911." I shut my eyes tight and followed her out of Matt's room.

10 minutes later the police showed up and were about to get Matthew on the stretcher. Mary and I stood in the door but as they were about to lift him from the bed I blurted, "Wait! I need to be alone with him for a minute... please" the men looked to Mary who nodded, and then they all wandered out. I closed the door behind me as I walked over to Matthew who still laid on the bed. I sat beside him and looked down at his lifeless body and started laughing. "I don't know why I am talking to a dead person, or my dead boyfriend to be exact. But I feel like I need to," I chuckled, "I know I gave a whole speech when you were in the coma, but this is serious now." I let out another laugh which turned into sobs, "I love you Matthew, ever since you hit me with your football I have fallen hopelessly in love with you. I had looked forward to seeing your face every morning, and to going on dates. I will miss the rooftop memories and everything else. I wish we could've experiencing more together... even if that sounds corny as shit." I took his hand in mine waiting for a squeeze but there was nothing, "After I had met you I had said to myself he is the one, I knew it was you. I imagined seeing you as I walked down the aisle, and having children and growing old but I see that life isn't some fairytale... it's a shitty messed up world. I thought wow happy endings do exist but you know what, I was wrong. I feel like I will never get my Prince Charming... but in all honesty I am wrong, you are my prince, dead or alive okay? Though our story was short it was my favorite, and as I said before, I hope the whole world knows that my love for Matthew Lee Espinosa is infinite."

I planted my lips on his one last time, then walked out letting the men back in. Mary gave me a sad smile and put her arm around my shoulders, "It'll get better Dylan," I nodded. As they draped a blanket over his body I felt sick so I walked to their guest bedroom and shut the door behind me. I pulled out my phone and dialed Andrea's number.
"Hey Andrea, I just need you to know that Matt has passed, please notify the boys."
I held back tears as long as I could but I wasn't strong enough, I started crying and could hear Andrea doing the same on the other line, "Dylan? It's okay I know sweetie it will get better." I laughed and blew my nose in a tissue, "you don't get it Andrea, he was what made me happy, my whole family's dead and now he is too." With that I hung up the phone and walked out of the room.

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