Chapter 1: Abusing Love and Acceptance- Day 1 (Roy)

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I woke up to the sound of Monokuma's voice telling us that it was morning now and it was time to get up. Annoyed, I got out of bed and got dressed, and then walked out of my room. I decided I should probably check out some of the other rooms because I haven't been inside of them yet. I decided to head to the cafeteria first, and probably get some food.

The cafeteria was simple. Lots of tables in the room to sit at to eat, as well as some seats at the window into the kitchen, so it was also connected to the kitchen. Looking into the kitchen, there was tons of food inside, as well as some cooking materials like forks, spoons, spatulas and knives. Inside the cafeteria were Memmorriie and Takahiro, smiling and saying small love comments, which were kind of annoying. Meijikou was in the kitchen, making pancakes for them all.

Meijikou noticed me and spoke up. "Hey, Roy. Want some pancakes, too?" She asked.

"Oh, sure. Thank you for offering, Meijikou." I responded, smiling, and sat at one of the chairs at the kitchen window.

Meijikou spoke to me as she cooked. "Kinda annoying, huh? Being trapped here by some dumb, annoying bear?" She asked.

"Tell me about it." I said.

Meijikou was done cooking and went and gave us all our plates, and then came back and sat next to me. "So, score anyone in bed with you last night?" She asked.

"I don't enjoy doing that, actually. I only do relationships normally now, getting to know people, and then date them only if I grow to like them." I said.

"Really? I'd've figured the Ultimate Entertainer wouldn't be as such." Meijikou said. "Bad break up?" She asked.

"I guess you could say that." I said.

"Hey, I feel you, Roy." Having us both be done, Meijikou took our plates and put them in the kitchen. I also noticed Memmorriie take her's and Takahiro's plates into the kitchen as well, then leave to elsewhere. Meijikou came back and sat down, pulling out a cigarette and a lighter, lighting the cigarette and putting the lighter away, starting to smoke. "Anyway, yeah. Same boat. My sister seems to be doing well with Takahiro, though." She said.

"Guess we're quite the same." Meijikou said. "I guess I can call you a friend."

"I guess I can too." I said. "Hey, I'm going to leave, look around some more. I'll see you later, Meijikou."

"Bye." Meijikou said, taking another smoke.

Leaving, I went to the classroom next. There were two, labeled 1-A and 1-B. They were both simple, only having desks, chairs and a chalkboard in them, so I just left.

I went to the music room next. Inside there was a bunch of musical instruments, including a piano, a bunch of folders with songs inside them, and a small stage. Nobody was inside and I didn't see a reason to stay, so I left.

I went to the library next, where there were large shelves surrounding the room. In the middle of the room, there were large tables with chairs around them, and there were drawers in the table. With surprisingly nobody here either, I left.

Despite having already been there, I went to the gym again. I didn't see anyone here either, so I just sat down on the bleachers. Soon, Lucy actually walked in the gym and saw me. "Oh, hi Roy." She said.

"Hi, Lucy. What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I came here to do something like dance, because the room is pretty big." She responded. "Why are you here?"

"I was checking out all of the rooms, and came here and just sat down, pretty bored. There isn't much to do and I can't find anyone, really. So yeah, just bored." I responded.

"Me too, really. I find, like, everyone here pretty annoying, especially that bear. You seem connectable, though." Lucy said.

"You think you can connect with me?" I asked. "Why do you think that?"

"Because you actually act kinda cool instead of the too serious losers or the loud, obnoxious losers. That's why." Lucy responded.

"Oh." I said. "Well, I'm just being me. I don't really see much special about it. My talent is basically a slut."

"Hey, I'm like that too. You know how sexual quote on quote dancing can be?" Lucy crossed her arms. "Sometimes people literally try and force themselves on me."

"Woah, really?" I asked.

"Hell yeah. They see a girl dancing and they think that I'm some curvy thot who wants to get fucked." Lucy sighed. "Life sucks sometimes. Especially when that happens."

"Life sure does suck a lot of the time, Lucy." I said. "It really sucks that some people view of you that way, though. Of course I wouldn't, but I don't know about everybody else. I hope they won't act like that."

"Yeah, I hope for that too." Lucy sighed again. "Do people treat you badly, Roy?"

"Only sometimes, I guess. Once there was a... person who I loved... but treated my poorly. I shouldn't think about that, really... But I do, quite a bit, actually. I try my hardest to forget and act normal." I said.

"Man... Sometimes I wish I had a different talent, or never had one, so I wouldn't have to dance for people all the time." Lucy looked away. "I imagine you feel the same way. A sexual entertainer as a talent? That must suck."

"I don't even know how I managed to achieve that talent. But yeah, you're right. I feel the same way you do about my talent." I said.

"So I guess I'm right, I can connect to you." Lucy said. "So we aren't that different."

"I guess so." I said, and smiled.

After that, Monokuma came on the screen and gave us our nighttime announcement, and then got off.

"I suppose we should go then." Lucy got up. "Goodbye, Roy. Maybe I'll talk to you tommorow." She said, then walked away.

I did the same thing and went to my room and locked the door before getting in bed.

I went to sleep smiling, happy that actually I had two friends here, that were actually quite similar to me.

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