Chapter 2: Life of Inventing Despair- Day 1 (Shingen)

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I woke up to Monokuma's announcement like every other day here. I got up and got ready, but I couldn't stop thinking about yesterday.

When Lucy was found dead, Jack was going insane, Meijikou's fucked up execution...

Actually, it's all fucked up. This whole place is. Fuck this, fuck Monokuma.

I sighed. I need to stop thinking like that.

I soon finally left my room and went to the cafeteria and sat down at a table. Memmorriie and Takahiro were with each other at another table, but aside from them, it was empty.

A bit later, the bell rang and Monokuma came on the screen again.

"Man, you're all so antisocial! How can I drive you to despair with you all avoiding each other? Whatever, get in the gym!" Monokuma said, then got off the screen.

Sighing, I got up and went to the gym. Once everyone showed up, Monokuma appeared on the stage, like he did before.

"Hello, everyone!" Monokuma said, and laughed. "I have a nice prize for you!"

"Another motive?" Ren asked.

"Nope!" Monokuma said. "Because you beat the trial, I'll opened up the second floor of the school for you all!"

"Another floor?" Azura asked. "Hmm... Alright. I suppose we should check that out then."

"Finally, someone is actually doing something!" Monokuma said, and laughed.

"Shut the fuck up." I said.

Monokuma laughed. "Whatever... See you soon!" He said, and disappeared.

"Let's go check the floors, everyone." Shio said.

"Yeah, we could find something important there, maybe even a way out." Layne said.

"That's not a bad idea..." Takahiro said.

"Alright, then let's go!" Jack said, smiling.

People then started to leave and go up to the second floor, and I went along too, and decided to check the rooms to see what there was.

The first room I went into had two changing rooms, male and female. Going through the male changing room, I found the room was actually a large indoor pool. By the pool sat Memmorriie and Takahiro, but I didn't bother to say anything, and just left.

The next room I went into seemed to be a large, indoor track. Mien seemed to be searching here, but I didn't say anything again, and left.

The next room was a workout room that had some weights and workout machines. Jack was looking around in here, but I don't want to mess with that crazy fuck, so I left.

The next room was a large, indoor ice rink, so that means this whole floor must just be sport themed. Atsuki, Layne and Azura were searching in some lockers there, but I just left.

The final large room I entered seemed to be a dance studio. Roy and Chouko were in here.
All I heard was Roy say, "Fuck Monokuma."

I mean, Roy isn't wrong. Monokuma is a bitch for introducing a dance studio right after the Ultimate Dancer died. Lucy probably would have liked this room.

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