Chapter 2: Life of Inventing Despair- Day 3 (Layne)

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Just like the other mornings, today I woke up from Monokuma's morning announcement. I got out of bed, got ready for the day and left my room and went to the cafeteria.

In the cafeteria, I sat down next to Azura, as he was already there, and soon Atsuki entered too and sat with us.

At other tables in the cafeteria, Memmorriie and Takahiro were sitting together, and Chouko and Roy were sitting together, and I noticed Roy didn't have his choker on. Watching Chouko and Roy, after they talked for a bit, they both left the cafeteria together.

Azura spoke to Atsuki and I, "So, what should we do today?"

"I don't mind." I said.

"Me neither," Atsuki said, "Maybe we could go to the pool or something."

"I wouldn't mind that." Azura said.

Atsuki leaned over to me and whispered to me, "He's totally thinking of us in bikinis right now." Then she giggled, and I felt myself blush.

After that though, Roy ran in to the cafeteria and yelled out.

"Th-There's a body!"

"What?!" Azura yelled, and got up.

"F-Follow me... To the workout room!" Roy yelled, then ran back.

Azura looked to us and we all nodded before leaving together, and I noticed Takahiro and Memmorriie coming behind us as well.

We ran up the stairs as fast as we could to the workout room.

We entered the workout room when we got there, and...

Inside the workout room was another grave sight like before.

The blood I saw led to a body face down on the ground.

Her orange hair instantly let me know who this was.

Anya Mitsuke... The Ultimate Lucky Student... Her luck ran out... Someone killed her.

That wasn't all.

My trembling eyes led upwards to see another body... and there was no mistaking who it was.

Laying back down on the ground, I could see his face... But his green attire was enough for me to recognize him.

The Ultimate Landscaper, Shingen Nakasato, was also dead.

Shingen and Anya... Both dead.

By someone else's hand in this school...

This will be our second murder.

And we'll have to find out who killed them.

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