Chapter 1: Abusing Love and Acceptance- Investigation (Azura)

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*Ding dong, bing bong*
"A body has been discovered!" Monokuma's voice rang through the speakers mof the screen he appeared on. "After a certian amount of time, the class trial will begin! Until then, you are free to investigate the crime! See you soon!" Monokuma signed off.

"B-B...B... Bl-" Atsuki was stuttering. "BloodbloodbloodbloodbloodbloodbloodbloodbloodbloodbloodbloodbLOOOOH!"

Then Atsuki fell backwards.

"Atsuki!" Layne and I ran to her.

"She's fainted." I said, and stood up.

Layne stood up with me, holding Atsuki in her arms. "We should get the others, and get Atsuki in her room."

"I can warn the others." Chouko said. "But as for Atsuki..."

Suddenly, Atsuki awoke. "Ah! What happened?" She asked.

Layne gasped and put her down, and then spoke. "You fainted Atsuki. From Lucy..."

Atsuki looked at Lucy. "Oh, she died. Right..."

Chouko spoke again. "I'll go get the others now." He left.

"You know... I'll go help Chouko too." Atsuki said, and then left without a response.

"Alright, then." I said. "Layne, you'll investigate with me, right?"

"Yeah, of course." Layne said, nodding.

"We should wait for Chouko." I said.

"You're right. We could ask people if they know anything." Layne said.

We waited until Chouko came back, and once he was back, everyone else ran in after him, except for one person, Atsuki.

"O-Oh my god..." Takahiro said.

"AHHHHH!" Hanae screamed.

"What the fuck...?" Shingen said.

"Why?" Roy yelled out. "Why her, killer, why?!"

Suddenly, I heard someone else.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Someone laughed, loud and strong, sounding insane.

It was Jack. "This...! This is what we come to see, the great scene of a death!" Jack laughed.

"Wh-What the heck...?" Anya said. "Why is Jack acting so... insane?"

"BAHAHAHAHA!" Jack laughed more. "This... This is so great!" He yelled.

Suddenly, someone hit Jack.

"Enough!" Mien yelled. She was the one who hit him. "We don't have time for people to act like idiots! We need to investigate!"

"I agree. Go act crazy somewhere else." I said.

"Ha...Ha... I won't draw back, an investigation would be great..." Jack said.

I turned to Layne. "Let's just ignore them and investigate, Layne." I said.

Layne nodded. "That seems best."

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