Chapter 4: Lies that Spread from Loss of Friends- Investigation (Layne)

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What's going on?

Mien's the one who died...?

But why... Why here? This room was locked when we were investigating the new floors...

Monokuma appeared in front of us. "Hello, everyone! I'm sure you know what this means! It's time for another investigation! The new Monokuma File is on your handbooks! Now I'll see you lot at the trial later!" He laughed and disappeared again.

"God dammit..." Roy said.

"I guess... We need to investigate." Chouko said.

"But... What about Azura?" I asked. I'm still too concerned about him.

"Ah... Well. Atsuki, Ren, would you mind going to the ice rink and getting them?" Roy asked. "I think it's best if Layne could investigate with us."

"Sure thing." Ren said.

"Yeah! I'll go and get Azura!" Atsuki said, and ran out the door. Ren followed after her.

"So... You guys want me to help you investigate?" I asked.

"Yeah. I know you're worried about Azura, but you are the Ultimate Lawyer... I doubt me and Chouko could solve this on our own." Roy said.

"Yeah, Roy's right... So can you help us?" Chouko asked.

"You could really help us find the truth of this case, you know." Roy said.

"You didn't really have to ask me. Of course I'll help you guys investigate." I responded.

"Good! I'll get started on mapping out this room, in case we need it." Chouko said, and pulled out his sketchpad.

"I guess I'll get started then..." I said, and pulled out my e-Handbook. The Monokuma File says that Mien was stabbedv in the back, but she died a few minutes later from bleeding out. The time of death is also unknown, according to the Monokuma File.

After checking the Monokuma File, I went over to Mien's body. She was sitting up against the desk, but moving her a little, I could see she had a stab wound in her upper back. The knife wasn't in her back, though. It was on the ground next to her. Perhaps she managed to pull it out... Or the killer, maybe?

On the ground, I noticed a pool of Mien's blood had covered some papers. However, I realized that the blood spot didnt match up... Like a blood-stained paper was taken away from the scene or something. Maybe the killer disposed of something that was the reason why they had to kill Mien, which gave them away... But what could that possibly be?

"Hey, I have my map done, now." Chouko said.

I stood up. "Would you mind if I looked then?"

"Sure, here." Chouko said, handing me the sketchpad. He's very plain...

I looked at the sketchpad, Roy looking from over my shoulder as well. The map simply showed everything in the room, but the main points were the papers on the ground to Mien's right, and the knife on the ground to her left, Mien's body itself and the desk it was up against. It's also worth noting that from the door to where Mien is now is a straight path.

"Thank you Chouko, this should be helpful." Roy said.

"No problem.." Chouko responded.

"Where should we go now?" Roy asked me.

"Well... I was thinking that there was a paper disposed of by the killer, and thats why the blood stain wasn't complete... So I was thinking we check out the garbage room. Maybe we'll find something there."

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