Chapter 2: Life of Inventing Despair- Post Trial (Mien)

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After Hanae's execution, most people just seemed shocked.

"More overkill..." Azura said. "Jesus."

"How sad..." Monokuma said. "I lost my creator and my creation! What a sad day..."

Jack smiled. "It's not so awful! We punished the murderer, right?"

Monokuma sighed. "Whatever, I'll get over him. Anyway, it's time for bed now! So go to bed now!" Monokuma said, then disappeared.

Everyone stayed silent as we got into the elevator. It rose us up back to the first floor, and everyone went to their rooms.

I sat on my bed for a while and thought to myself.

I need to continue my investigation now, then.

I got up and slowly left my room.

I snuck into the library after making sure nobody was around and started checking books again.

I looked at the storybook motive we had.

After reading through it, I found something.

A new page.

The page read "The End!" and also listed who each person was.

They were right.

The sapling was that Rieko Okamoto that Hanae had mentioned.

The cat and monster were Hanae Riko.

And the witch... Well, it's what Hanae said.

Angel. The witch is an angel. Like Hanae called the girl that Azura said was from the video.

This may help later, when I might find the one who put us in here, so I took the book back to my room and put it on my desk.

Next to Meijikou's USB drive.

And then I went to sleep.

Chapter 2
Life of Inventing Despair

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