Chapter 4: Lies that Spread from Loss of Friends- Day 1 (Jack)

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I never went to sleep last night. But I found out Monokuma's pattern. After each trial, he opens up a new floor.

I went up a while after nighttime started and found out that, for some reason, Monokuma opened up two floors this time. The fourth floor seemed pointless to me while searching it, so I moved up to the fifth floor.

The first room I found on the fifth floor was the headmaster's office. Of course, it was locked, but all it took was a poke of my fingernail blades inside the keyhole to unlock it myself. With that, I walked inside.

Inside was quite simple. Trophy cases, a desk... Nothing that seemed important at first.

That is, until I started digging through the drawers of the desk. At first I found some unimportant files, like the classes and such. Even included my talent of Ultimate Hitman on my file. This must be where Mien found out my talent...

I was about to give up on searching here, when I found a certain file in the drawer of the desk.

A file that showed me who the mastermind of this killing game was.

Right after I found and read the file through, Monokuma's morning announcement came on. I decided I should head downstairs now so I don't be suspected as missing. So, I took the file, locked the door and closed it again, and headed back downstairs.

About the time I reached the second floor, another announcement came on. "Hey, everyone! Come down to the gym and come see me! I have another surprise for you all!" Monokuma said on the screen, then got off.

With that, I hurried down to the first floor and entered the gym, and I ended up being the first person there. Ren came soon after me, then everyone else came in almost the same time, Mien coming in last.

Once everyone was standing infront of the stage, Monokuma appeared on it and spoke out, "Hello everyone! How're you all doi-" He started.

"Just tell us what you want already." Ren said.

"Gosh! Why are you being so rude? I'm trying to be civil here!" Monokuma said again.

"Yeah, c'mon Renny! I personally think Monokuma is really fun!" I said. Of course, I don't mean that in any way... I'd like to rip this bear to shreds... But I'd rather live.

"Yeah, see?" Monokuma responded, believing my lie. "Anyways! I have some presents for you guys finding out the killer and the traitor in the same trial!"

"Presents? As in plural?" Layne asked.

"That's right! I've decided to give you two floors for succeeding in last trial, because you also took out the traitor!" Monokuma said, and laughed.

"So that's what it is?" Mien sighed. "Alright, then, I don't need to know any more." She said, and left the gym.

"Jeez, what's her problem?" Monokuma sighed. "Anyway, yes, there are two new floors. Please check them out!" He said, and left again.

Once he was done, Roy and Chouko left together, then Ren, and Azura, Layne and Atsuki stayed behind and talked a bit. I left the gym, but hid outside the door so I could still hear them talking.

"So... Do you two wanna go investigate those floors?" Azura asked the girls.

"Sounds like a good plan to me!" Atsuki yelled out.

"Let's go, then." Layne said.

After that, I heard footsteps, and I hid again so they couldn't see me. After a while, I came out. They were gone already. Must have gone investigating, then.

I thought for a bit, wandering around the first floor, and decided to go and find Ren. He should be able to help me out now.

After searching, I found Ren on the fourth floor  investigating the storage room.

"Ren! My good friend, how are you doing there?" I asked from behind him.

I heard him sigh before he turned around. "What do you want, Jack?" He asked.

"I need you to help me out again." I said. "I have a plan... To stop the mastermind."

"I don't want to help you with your lies again." Ren said.

"Lies? I'm not lying." I responded. "So help me... And we'll finally be out of here."

"No." Ren said.

I sighed and grabbed Ren, and held one of my blades to his throat. "Yes." I said.

"F-Fine. What do you need me to do?" He asked. I guess the scare tactic works...

"Find Atsuki and distract her. I can't have her in my way." I said.

"Now then! I have some business to do." I said, and left the room.

After that, I made some preparations in my room for what I was going to do soon... Hopefully giving Ren enough time as well... Anyways, I'm ready now.

I moved back upstairs. As I was searching for my target, I noticed Ren had Atsuki occupied in the art room on the third floor.

I couldn't find my target anywhere on the new floors... Though I did peek in on Mien looking through the drawers in the headmaster's office again. I went back down to other floors to find my target.

I eventually entered the ice rink... Where I saw Layne and Azura, sitting together on a bench on the other side of the room, talking.

Layne noticed me immediately and spoke to me. "Oh, hello, Jack."

I stepped onto the ice, crossing slowly to the middle. "Hello, there."

"Is there something you need, Jack?" Azura asked, and stood up, walking to me, Layne following next to him.

"Azura..." I said, and smirked, laughing a little. "I want to fight you. I want to see who is stronger, a hitman or a guardian."

"Fight me...?" Azura asked. "No thanks, I'm not going to fight you."

"Oh? Why not?" I asked.

"Because I don't want to... And someone could get injured." Azura said.

I sighed. For a moment, I glanced at Layne, and smirked... An idea.

In almost a second, I drew my claws and lunged at Layne... And as expected, he stopped me... Armed with a nice, long blade...

"So, you're a swordfighter?" I asked, and laughed some again. "Well, at least you'll fight me now."

Azura glared at me. "Layne, get out of here. Lock the door before you close it."

Layne nodded and ran past me, locking and closing the door as she left.

We didn't say anything, but I propelled myself backwards by pushing my blades off of his sword.

"It's just you and me..." I said.

That file I found earlier showed me everything. How Azura was part of... Some kind of killing game before this... Where he met Ultimate Despair and lived past it all.

I remember the second trial... Hanae mentioned despair... And if he was crazy... Then so is this bastard who met the Ultimate Despair himself!

So that's why I have to fight.

I changed my stance, still facing Azura.

I will fight... To kill the mastermind!

I readied my blades and lunged at him.

I will kill you...

Azura Raijin!

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