Chapter 5: Sacrifice for the Future- Investigation (Layne)

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I stepped out of the elevator with Azura and Atsuki.

"Alright, where should we investigate first?" Atsuki asked.

"Well, Monokuma said all the locked doors would be unlocked now. So let's try and go to one of the previously locked rooms on the fifth floor." Azura said.

"That sounds like a good idea to me." I said.

With that, we all ran up to the fifth floor together.

"Which room first, guys?" Atsuki asked.

"Maybe we should go into the headmaster's office again?" I suggested. "We may have been there already to investigate Mien's body, but maybe some new cabinets are unlocked there so we can find files."

"That sounds like a good idea, Layne." Azura said, "Let's go."

We entered the headmaster's office and started looking. Mien's body was still there, but we started looking through some cabinets in the back of the room.

"Um... Layne? Azura? Can you come here?" Atsuki asked.

"What is it Atsuki?" I asked, and we walked over to her.

"Take a look at this." Atsuki said, and showed us a file.

"What's this? A file for the classes that graduated?" Azura asked.

I opened up the file and started flipping through. "...Huh...? What's this...?" I said. "This file right here, the graduation of the seventy-fifth class."

"Y-Yeah... Those are our names listed there, right? Everyone who was here since the beginning?" Atsuki asked.

"Oh, you're right. All sixteen of us are listed here... And we are said to have graduated?" Azura said.

"But how could we graduate already? This is our first time here... Unless..." I said.

"...You don't think that's possible, do you?" Azura asked.

"Well... It's the only possible way, right?" I stated. "...Let's forget about it for now. I'm sure we'll need to tell everyone about this later."

"Yeah, alright." Azura said, and nodded. Atsuki nodded as well.

We kept searching, but couldn't find anything more in the headmaster's office. "Well, where to now?" Atsuki asked us again.

"Let's try the data center. That was locked before." Azura said.

"Alright, off we go!" Atsuki said, and she left the headmaster's office. We followed her out the door and to the data center.

We entered the data center and started searching in cabinets around the room.

"Hey, come check this out." Azura said, and we walked over to him. "This file describes something called The Tragedy... It says that a while after the seventy-ninth class was brought into the academy, the four classes after ours were put in lockdown in the academy because the outside world was completely destroyed."

"Destroyed?! How could that happen?" Atsuki asked.

"Hmm..." I look through the cabinet Azura was looking though and find another file titled Ultimate Despair. I open it and read it. "Oh... I think I found out how."

"What is it?" Atsuki asked.

"This file says Ultimate Despair is the group found to be responsible for The Tragedy." I said.

"Ultimate Despair..." Azura said.

"Oh... Didn't we hear about that during Hanae's trial? During the video, right?" Atsuki asked.

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