Chapter 4: Lies that Spread from Loss of Friends- Execution (Atsuki)

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I honestly couldn't believe my eyes.

Layne being accused... Being found guilty? I didn't even vote for her... I won't ever believe that Layne could kill someone! I don't want to believe that, I can't condemn someone I love to death! I just can't...

But even so... Here we are. Me abstaining my vote couldn't save Layne... Weather she is innocent or not, I don't care! She shouldn't have to die...

But none of that matters. Nothing I do will ever matter.

That same huge screen from before lowered down so we could all see. It showed a pixelated Monokuma walking by Layne and dragging her off while underneath it there were words that said "Layne has been found guilty. It's time for the execution!" Then it pixeled out.

Layne was already grabbed by the chain and pulled back into that hallway when the screen pixeled out.

When the screen came to again, it showed Layne sitting down on a chair. Once I saw her, I couldn't look away.

It zoomed out to show her on a conveyor belt in her chair, strapped to it, and a large bang was heard. A word flashed above her head, black letters with a white outline. But it was bright and clear to see the word.


And then a title appeared on the screen.

Layne Alvarez's Execution:
Verdict: Guilty

More of the room lit up to show that behind Layne was a giant Monokuma in some white wig and a robe, with a gavel in his hand, ready to slam down on the conveyor belt. On the sides were two more Monokumas in suits at some sort of desk. Probably an attorney bench of some kind.

After it lit up, something made a bang noise, and confetti fell from the sky, and the conveyor belt started moving Layne back.

As Layne was moving back, the Monokumas from the sides started throwing various items at her... Things that looked like they might be hard... Might bruise her... But it was hard to tell. They just kept hitting her, over and over.

While she was being hit, she was moving back on the belt, the giant Monokuma slamming the gavel down on the belt... She was going to be crushed.

After what seemed like an eternity, the camera went to the Monokumas, which now held up knives. They were about to throw them at her.

The camera went to Layne, who shut her eyes to brace for the knives...

But they never came.

In fact, there was a huge explosion sound from the sides, and you could see some light on the screen, the camera quickly moved to one of the sides and showed the Monokuma destroyed... And then panned to the other. Same thing.

Even then, it seemed to late. Layne was now right infront of the huge Monokuma as it slammed the gavel down. It lifted it up as Layne was dragged right underneath the gavel, her face purple from dread... And it started to fall for the last time.

But then, something flew into Layne and grabbed her off the conveyor belt. The gavel barely missed them.

The screen then glitched out and turned off, and went back up.

Panicked, I brought my head back down and scanned the trial room, and I didn't see him at first...

But then I saw him...

Walking in the distance in the hallway where Layne was dragged off into.

It took a while before he finally stepped into the room, with Layne in his arms, holding onto him.

Azura had saved Layne from her execution.

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