Chapter 3: Burning Love from Hearts of Ash- Class Trial- Part 2 (Azura)

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"What?" I asked. "Ultimate... Hitman?"

"What? Something wrong with that?" Jack asked, looking at us confused.

"No, that's just what the file I found said. He's the Ultimate Hitman." Mien said. "That is why I don't trust him."

"Why be afraid of me? Killing is fun, but I do it as my job, not for fun. Y'know?" Jack sighed.

"So, is it settled now? Jack is the killer?" Atsuki asked.

"Huh? No. I just moved the body. I never killed either of the girls." Jack said.

"What? How can we believe you?" Roy asked.

"Well, I was with him when we found their bodies in the gym." Ren said.

"So does that mean Ren would have seen Jack kill them when he was with them?" Chouko asked.

"Yep!" Jack said.

"Hold on!" Mien shouted. "Ren could just be covering for Jack! Maybe he's being blackmailed!"

"Blackmailed? Like I'd ever have anything important enough to make me follow a blackmail." Ren laughed a little.

"Anyways, how are you so sure I killed them? What if it was Shio? Didn't he drag you all out to find us in the first place?" Jack said.

"No, I was with Mien the whole time, and she proves this. It couldn't have been me." Shio stated.

"Wait, hold on." I said. "Jack, how did you know that Shio asked us to find you two? You weren't in the cafeteria to hear that. And we haven't brought it up here."

"I just heard about it, is all." Jack said.

"I doubt you just heard about it." Mien said.

"Hey, Jack?" Layne asked, "What time did you guys find Memmorriie and Takahiro again?"

"Huh? We found them at night. When else would we have found them?" Jack asked.

"What?!" Atsuki yelled. "So they were dead the whole entire time?"

"Zombies are real?" Chouko asked.

"Hold on, how did we see Memmorriie and Takahiro in the cafeteria, then?" Roy asked.

"...I think I understand now." I said.

"What is it, Zuzu? I hope you're exciting enough to actually know this." Jack said, smiling.

"Assuming Ren and Jack were in on this together, and because they were both missing..." I started, "What if the Memmorriie and Takahiro we saw were actually Ren and Jack the entire time, and when they left, they just changed back to normal?" I placed my hands on my podium. "Ren is the Ultimate Cosplayer, after all. I doubt it would be hard for him." I stated.

"Wow! Zuzu's so amazing, he got it right! What a fucking badass!" Jack laughed.

"Why do that, though?" Layne asked.

"We... Can't say yet." Ren said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Shio asked.

"Can we just stop this already? Jack is obviously the murderer so let's get this done with." Mien said.

"No... Something isn't right about this." I said.

"What is it, Azura?" Layne asked.

"I don't think Jack or Ren can be the killer." I said.

"Why not?" Mien asked.

"Well... The body discovery announcements. I haven't thought about it before, but I feel like it's more important than we may have originally thought." I said.

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