Chapter 2: Life of Inventing Despair- Class Trial (Layne)

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We all walked out of the elevator and into a new trial room. In addition to Lucy, three new spots had pictures with a bloody X over them, the three being Meijikou, Anya and Shingen. We all went to our places.

"The class trial will now start!" Monokuma yelled from his chair. "Now then, lets begin with a simple explanation of the class trial. During the class trial, you will present your arguements for who the killer is, and vote for "whodunnit." If you vote correctly, then only the blackened will recieve punishment. But if you pick the wrong person... I'll punish everyone besides the blackened, and that person will earn the right to leave the school!"

"Aright, lets begin our new trial then." Jack said, looking down and smiling.

"Question is, how should we begin?" Roy asked.

"I believe that we should first determine the motive. What did that story mean, and what was it's purpose?" Mien stated.

"I-Is there even a way to answer that?" Takahiro asked.

Hanae spoke up, his hand on the back of his neck. "Y-Yeah, it seemed pointless to me."

"No, there's definitely an answer." Ren said.

"There is?" Jack asked.

"Oh, come on. I can't be the only one who found it." Ren sighed.

"...Ren, are you talking about that video that was in the book?" Azura asked.

"So, you saw it too..." Ren said. "Good. It'd be hard to explain myself."

"There was a video in the story?" Chouko asked. "What was the video?"

"The video was an execution..." I said. "Of a red headed girl we haven't seen before. There was also another girl with white hair who we haven't seen before."

"An... Execution?" Mien asked. "Why would that be in there?"

"Well, it clearly must have been connected to the story." Ren stated.

"Th-That doesn't make sense. How would a random e-execution be connected to the story?" Takahiro said. "It can't be, right?"

"Objection!" I yelled. "No, Takahiro, I think it's definitely connected to the story."

"Well, mind explaining the connections then, Layne?" Ren asked.

"Well, let me start with who should be who." I said. "The sapling from that story... They should be that girl that got executed. And the witch... I believe would have to be that white haired girl in the video."

"What about the cat?" Memmorriie asked.

"I think Monokuma gave us that one." Azura said. "Monokuma said that the monster was the one who made Monokuma. If that is true, I think it's safe to believe that they also created the idea of an execution, and created that first execution that was on the video, killing the sapling."

"That makes sense, then..." Shio said.

"But then, why would that cause a murder in here?" Memmorriie asked.

"Clearly, one of us must be either the cat or the witch." Azura said.

"Specifically," Mien said, "I believe that the killer in question had amnesia, and that the story made them regain their memories and murderous intent."

"S-So, which is it, the c-cat or the witch?" Hanae asked.

"It must be the cat, right?" Atsuki spoke up. "I mean, the witch in the video was a girl we've never seen before. With a blue eye and a red eye with white hair... I don't think that could be anyone here. But we still don't know who the cat could be."

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