Chapter 1: Abusing Love and Acceptance- Post Trial (Azura)

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I couldn't believe it. Meijikou had just been brutally over-killed right in front of us. Not to mention Memmorriie sobbing, and Roy crying too. This was terrible.

Monokuma laughed. "I see all of you are already covered with despair! Upupupu~"

Nobody said anything.

"Whatever! It's time for bed now though, so go and sleep, kids!" Monokuma laughed and disappeared.

Slowly, all of us got into the elevator, and once everybody was in, it rose up and we all stepped out and went to our rooms quietly.

Once I got to my room, I instantly closed the door and sat on my bed, looking down.

How could I let this happen? I'm the Ultimate Guardian, and two people just died... I let them die... I couldn't save them.

"Dammit, why...?" I asked aloud.

"Stop blaming yourself." Somebody said. I looked up to see who it was.

"Atsuki...?" I asked, standing up. "How'd you get in here..?"

"Lock your door next time." She said. "Anyway, you need to stop blaming yourself. Now."

"But..." I looked down. "It is my fault. I'm the Ultimate Guardian, I should have protected them better, so it's my-" I said, but was cut off.

Because Atsuki slapped me.

"Shut the hell up, Azura!" She yelled. "It's not your damn fault!"

"But..." I started again. "It really is my-" I was cut off again.

Atsuki grabbed my face and made me look straight at her. She looked deep into my eyes.

And then she kissed me. My eyes just widened more, surprised by this now, too...

She pulled away. "Will that make you happy? Will that make you normal again?" She asked. "You're one of the only things I have to care about, Azura!"

"Atsuki, what the heck...?" I asked.

"Atsuki? Azura?" I heard someone say. Then I heard the door close, and saw Layne come from around the corner.

"L-Layne...?" I asked.

"I heard yelling. What's happening?" Layne asked us.

"Azura keeps thinking-!" Atsuki started.

"It's my fault they died." I said. "I couldn't save them... I couldn't do my job as the Ultimate Guardian..."

Atsuki slapped me again. "It's not your fault! Stop, stop thinking that!"

"Atsuki!" Layne ran from behind Atsuki and held her arms down, and Atsuki started to cry.

"I-I'm sorry, I... I just can't have either of you fall into despair... I can't..." She cried.

Layne frowned and brought me over and hugged us both. "Now listen, it's nobody's fault except Monokuma's. Of course, I love you both very much as well."

"L-Love...?" Atsuki sniffed. "L-Like for real...?"

"I won't deny that, Atsuki." Layne smiled.

Atsuki smiled and started to cry. "L-Layne... Azura... I love you both so much!"

"Seems like Atsuki's back to normal." Layne said, smiling. "What about you, Azura?"

"I-I mean... I guess I love you guys too... But thank you too... I feel better now..." I said, and smiled back.

Atsuki looked at us. "We all love each other... So much... Can we all be together, even as a trio?" She asked.

"I don't think that'd be a problem..." I said. "If we do all love each other..."

"I don't have a problem with it." Layne said.

"S-So we can?!" Atsuki asked. Layne nodded and smiled, and then Atsuki smiled and hugged us both tighter.

"W-We should probably go to sleep now." I said.

"Can we sleep here, Azura?" Atsuki asked.

"Uh..." I looked at Layne, who just shrugged. "I don't mind, I guess... If you lock the door..." I responded.

Atsuki ran to the door and locked it before running back to my bed. "Thank you, Azura!" Atsuki smiled happily, then crawled in my bed. Layne and I looked around, but Atsuki just said, "Come on!"

Shrugging, Layne crawled in on one side of Atsuki, then I joined them on the other side.

Atsuki smiled and Layne and I both hugged her, and then we all soon fell asleep together.

It's nice, having lovers like this, but...

Can I really still forgive myself?

Chapter 1
Abusing Love and Acceptance

14/16 Students Remain

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