Chapter 3: Burning Love from Hearts of Ash- Day 1 (Chouko)

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I woke up today to Monokuma's morning announcement again... We do every day.

After I woke up, I headed to the cafeteria. Atsuki, Layne and Azura were sitting together, and Memmorriie and Takahiro were together. Soon, Roy came in and sat down with me.

"Hey Chouko." Roy said.

"Hey." I said.

"Have anything planned today?" Roy asked.

"I don't know. Probably not." I responded.

"Wanna do stuff later together then?" He asked.

"Sure." I responded, "I don't mind."

"Great! Maybe we can go up to the dance room or something then and hang out there, or anywhere if you don't really mind-" He said.

Monokuma came on the screen, cutting him off. "Hello, everyone! Please make your way to the gym! I have a special announcement for you all!" He laughed, then got off again.

Roy sighed. "I guess we have to deal with him first."

I shrugged. "I guess."

After that, Roy and I went to the gym, arriving there soon after Atsuki, Layne and Azura did, who left the cafeteria before we did.

After us came in Takahiro and Memmorriie, then Shio, then Mien, then Ren, and finally Jack.

After everyone was here, Monokuma appeared on the stage. "Hello, everyone!" He said.

"What do you have for us now, Monokuma?" Jack asked. "Is it something exciting?"

"If you consider a third floor exciting, then yes indeed!" Monokuma said.

"Oh... Not a motive...?" Jack pouted.

"At least we have another floor." Mien said, "With that, we could possibly find more information on why we are here."

"Mien's right. This is a good thing." Azura said.

"Well, at least some of you respect my charity..." Monokuma sighed. "Well, go check out the third floor, everyone!" He said, and left again.

"Alright, then. Let's go search upstairs." Azura said, and left with the girls.

As other people were leaving, I turned to Roy. "Wanna go look together?"

Roy smiled. "Yeah, sure."

"Alright." I nodded, and we left the gym and went up to the new third floor.

The hallways of course contained some new classrooms and bathrooms, which we saw while walking around the halls.

The first room we found was a garden or greenhouse area, which contained lots of plants inside. With nothing to do inside here, we soon left the room.

The next room we found was a nurse's office, which seemed to serve as an emergency care room. Inside here was Mien and Shio, but Roy and I decided to keep searching.

The third room we found was a dojo area. Jack was inside, but the room and Jack didn't serve any purpose to us, especially Jack, so we left.

The fourth room was a rec room, which had things like a pool table, a table with some board games under it, some magazines, and other games. Atsuki, Azura and Layne were already investigating in here, so Roy and I moved on again.

The final room we entered caught my attention more than the others did. "Oh, this is an art room!" I said, and smiled. "Cool."

"Yeah, this is cool! You can sketch your drawings here and stuff!" Roy said, smiling back, "Hey, we wanted to hang out, so why don't we hang out here?"

"Sure, that's fine." I said, sitting down, then got out some paper and started drawing some.

Roy sat down too. "You know, even though we're trapped in this school.... I've been having a lot of fun with you these last couple of days here. You've been making me feel better since Lucy and Meijikou died, too... So thanks for that." He said, and smiled.

"Oh, you're welcome." I said.

After I said that there was a short silence. Glancing up from my drawing for a second, I saw that Roy was looking away, and I went back to drawing. "You alright?" I asked.

"Yeah..." Roy said. "Um... Chouko, there's something I want to tell you."

"What is it?" I asked. "I won't mind what it is."

Roy was silent for a second, and I heard him took a deep breath and I looked up to him. "I love you, Chouko."

"Oh." I said, and smiled. "Cool."

"Cool? That's all you'll say?" Roy asked, looking sad. "You don't feel anything about that?"

I didn't say anything, I just teared the picture of a heart that read, "I love you," I was sketching out of my notebook and handed it to Roy.

Roy just smiled and hugged me. "I hope I never lose you, Chouko..." He said, then came back and kissed me softly. I returned the hug and kiss both. I just smiled after. Roy spoke again, "So, boyfriends?"

"Yeah, I guess." I said, smiling more.

Suddenly, the screen in the room turned on and Monokuma appeared on the screen.

"Hello, everyone! It's me again, Monokuma! Please make your way to the gym again!" He laughed, and get off again.

Roy sighed. "Ruining the moment... Let's go deal with him for now."

I nodded back, and we left the art room and went down to the gym.

Once we entered the gym, because everybody was already there, Monokuma appeared on stage. "Hello, Everybody!" He said.

"What do you want now, Monokuma?" Shio asked.

"Well, I think it's time I gave you your next motive!" Monokuma said, and laughed.

"Oh, sweet!" Jack yelled out.

"Already?" Mien asked.

"Just tell us already, Monokuma." Ren said.

"Alright!" Monokuma said, "The motive this time is... That there is a traitor among you all!"

"A traitor...?" Takahiro asked out loud.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Memmorriie asked.

"It means that there is someone among you who is sending secret information about you guys to me and helping me out!" Monokuma said, laughing.

"A traitor..." Shio said.

"Now, this is interesting!" Jack said, grinning.

"There's no way there's a traitor among us!" Roy yelled out.

"Of course there is!" Monokuma laughed. "So be careful, everyone!" He said, then left again.

After that, he came on the screen and gave us the bedtime announcement.

"Hey, I'm gonna go to bed now, then, Chouko." Roy said, "I'll see you tommorow, alright? Stay safe." He said, and left.

As everyone else was leaving, I left and went into my room too.

Once in my room, I locked the door and layed down in bed and went to sleep, happier than usual.

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