Chapter 3: Burning Love from Hearts of Ash- Day 3 (Azura)

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I woke up today to Monokuma's morning announcement, as usual.

After getting ready, I left my room and went over to the cafeteria like usual.

Already in the cafeteria was Roy and Chouko, who were sitting together, and Memmorriie and Takahiro were also sitting together. Layne was already there as well, and soon Atsuki came and joined us.

Then, suddenly, Shio and Mien walked in together. "Everyone..." Shio said.

"What is it, Shio?" I asked.

"Have any of you seen Ren or Jack anywhere?" He asked.

We all looked around at each other, and nobody spoke up. "We should look for them, then." Mien said.

"Alright." Layne said, and stood up. "Let's go and look for them."

After Layne stood up, so did Atsuki and I, then Roy, Chouko, Takahiro and Memmorriie followed as well.

Shio and Mien nodded, then left the cafeteria. Memmorriie and Takahiro ran past us and left second.

We left the cafeteria with Roy and Chouko. "We'll go search the third floor." Roy said, and he and Chouko ran up the stairs.

"Let's split up." Layne said. "I'll take the library. Asuki, take the music room."

"I'll take the gym then." I said. We all nodded to each other and ran off to the rooms.

Once I got to the gym, I placed my hands on the door and pushed it open.

And there was one thing that instantly caught my eye, on the floor of the gym...

Was that deep, dark red color yet again.


And in the middle of the pool of blood layed the familiar body of...


"What the hell...? I just saw her not to long ago... And now she's..." I said.

Monokuma came on the screen to confirm it, interrupting me.

*Ding dong, bing bong*
"A body has been discovered!" Monokuma said, "After a certian amount of time, the class trial will begin! Until then, you are free to investigate the crime! See you soon!"

And then... Something I never could have expected happened.

*Ding dong, bing bong*
"A body has been discovered!" Monokuma said, "After a certian amount of time, the class trial will begin! Until then, you are free to investigate the crime! See you soon!" And then Monokuma got off.

"A... Second time?" I asked out loud.

Atsuki and Layne ran into the gym. "Azura, did you..." Layne started.

"Memmorriie was killed...?" Atsuki asked.

I nodded. "Not only that... But there was a second announcement. That must mean that there's another body somewhere..!" I said.

"Let's go check upstairs!" Atsuki said.

Layne and I nodded and we all ran out of the gym and up to the second floor.

While looking on the second floor, Roy ran up to us.

"Roy? What's wrong?" Layne asked.

"Upstairs, in the art room... Chouko found another body..." Roy said.

I nodded. "Thank you for telling us, Roy." I said, "Let's go!"

With that, we all ran together and went up to the third floor and to the art room.

As we approached the art room, I saw Shio and Mien already there with Chouko.

We ran past them and into the room.

And we saw the second victim of this case...

Laying there on the ground was...

"...Takahiro?" I asked.

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