Chapter 3: Burning Love from Hearts of Ash- Day 2 (Atsuki)

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I woke up this morning to Monokuma's usual announcement and got up and got ready quickly and left my room to go to the cafeteria.

However, when I opened the door, Shio was standing right there in the hallway.

"Oh, Atsuki." He spoke, "Would you please go to the cafeteria? I want to gather everyone there for a meeting."

"Yep! I was gonna go there anyway. Good luck, Shio!" I said, and walked over to the cafeteria.

In the cafeteria, everyone but Shio, Mien and Jack were already here. I sat down next to Layne and Azura.

"Good morning, Atsuki." Layne said.

"Morning!" I smiled and said back.

Soon after I came in came Jack, then shortly following was Mien, then Shio came in through the doors as well.

"Hello, everyone." Shio said.

"What did you want, Shio?" Memmorriie asked.

"Well, Monokuma's motive yesterday has me concerned..." Shio started. "So I'd like us all to do something together today. So we are all together and to ease any suspicion that has come about from what Monokuma said."

"So what do you want us to do?" Mien asked.

"I was going to suggest we all spend the day at the pool." Shio said.

"At the pool? Why there?" Ren asked.

"Just for fun, I suppose." Shio said.

"D-Don't tell me you w-want us to go there s-so you can see the g-girls-" Takahiro started.

"I'm not doing this for that reason." Shio sighed.

"Then maybe the boys?" Jack asked, smirking.

"I don't blame him for that." Roy said.

"Not that either!" Shio sighed. "You all really see me that way?"

"Anyway, I think it's a good idea we go to the pool." Azura said, "That way nobody will be able to kill, and it could calm us down about the traitor as well."

"Let's go then!" I said.

"I hope you all come, then." Shio said, and walked upstairs.

Azura, Layne and I left the cafeteria together and started walking to the pool on the second floor.

"Um... Do I really have to go into the pool?" Layne asked. "I wouldn't really be comfortable. You know... What if people look?" She was blushing really hard.

"Aww, Layne!" I said, "You don't have to be embarrassed about your wonderful boobs!" I smiled. "Besides, if someone stares, Azura'll punch 'em for ya!"

"I think Atsuki means that we won't let anyone do anything to you, Layne. And we'll be with you." Azura said. "But you don't have to change and swim if you don't want to."

"Thank you..." Layne said.

"But if you don't swim with us, we have to have fun in Azura's room later!" I said, and giggled.

"...That's not true..." Azura said.

"No, it's fine. I want to swim with you two." Layne said. "Let's go now."

"Alright." Azura said, smiling.

With that, we continued walking to the pool. Once there, we entered the changing rooms and changed into swimwear and entered the pool.

In the pool already was Memmorriie and Takahiro, who were together, Chouko and Roy together, Shio, Jack, and Ren.

Layne and I went into the pool together and waited for Azura to come out.

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