Chapter 4: Lies that Spread from Loss of Friends- Day 1 (Mien)

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I woke up today to Monokuma's dumb morning announcement again. Annoyed, I got up and got dressed, then left my room and went to the cafeteria.

In the cafeteria, Atsuki, Azura and Layne were already sitting together, and Roy and Chouko were also together. Ren and Jack weren't here yet, but I don't care about those two after the last trial. However, with nobody close to me remaining anymore, I sat alone.

I mean, at least I could relate to Shingen and Shio some. Someone who tried to better themselves and... Someone else who could take things seriously with me.

My thoughts were interrupted by Monokuma appearing on the screens. "Hey, everyone! Come down to the gym and come see me! I have another surprise for you all!" He said, then got off.

Sighing, I stood back up and went over to the gym, not paying attention to the others. Once we were all in the gym, Monokuma appeared on the stage.

"Hello everyone! How're you all doi-" Monokuma started.

"Just tell us what you want already." Ren said.

"Gosh! Why are you being so rude? I'm trying to be civil here!" Monokuma said again.

"Yeah, c'mon Renny! I personally think Monokuma is really fun!" Jack said.

"Yeah, see?" Monokuma said. "Anyways! I have some presents for you guys finding out the killer and the traitor in the same trial!"

"Presents? As in plural?" Layne asked.

"That's right! I've decided to give you two floors for succeeding in last trial, because you also took out the traitor!" Monokuma said, and laughed.

"So that's what it is?" I sighed. "Alright, then, I don't need to know any more." I said, and left the gym.

Upon leaving the gym, I kept going up the staircases until I got to the new fourth floor.

The first room I entered on the fourth floor seemed to be some type of physics lab. At least, that's what it said on the door. I wasn't interested in much in here, and wasn't actually sure what any of it was, so I left pretty quick.

The second room was another lab, this time it was a chemisty lab. In this room, there were a bunch of drugs in a cabinet. Mostly  poisons and stuff, because Monokuma wants us to murder each other of course. I left the room without touching anything.

The third room was a third lab, a biology lab. Inside the biology lab, it was very cold and had small compartments on the walls. Upon pressing a button on one of the compartments, one of them opened up and a table came out, and laying on it was a body wrapped in bandages... So this is where the corpses are kept, huh. Like a morgue... Ah, that reminds me of Shio. It's better to think differently about this. I decided to leave the bio lab quickly after closing ther compartment again.

The fourth room seemed to be a garbage room with a furnace inside, to burn waste instead of disposing it elsewhere. There wasn't much else to see here.

The fifth and final room, aside from the classrooms that are on every floor, was a storage room. Inside was a bunch of miscellaneous items scattered across shelves. There didn't seem to be any weapons though, except maybe some rope, so I didn't mind anything there.

That pretty much covered it for the fourth floor, so I moved on to the fifth.

On the fifth floor, the first room I found, after searching the empty classrooms, was a room with a Monokuma door leading into it, but it was locked with no lock to be seen from the outside, so I couldn't get in.

The second room was a staff room. There wasn't much in here, it was more like a break room. With nothing being found, I left the room.

The third room was a data center. This room was locked originally, but I had picked the lock two days ago when I got past the gates and up here. I didn't investigate the fourth floor when I snuck by, because it didn't look important, but I checked here. This room was where I found our profiles from Hope's Peak, which are stored in my room now. This is where I discovered Jack's real talent. There were informations on other classes, but I didn't see a need for any of them, so I disregarded the rest of that room.

The final room I came across was the headmaster's office, which I also picked the lock on, and got inside. I didn't have time to search here before, so this is my first time here.

I started searching around the office. There wasn't much at first, just trophies and such... Extra copies of the class files... Some report files... Which it doesn't seem like anyone in our class was a troublemaker at Hope's Peak... And we even were already marked as graduated. So we have already graduated... So we've already been here before.

So... Our memories were erased? Am I really over four years older than my last memory before I entered the doors of Hope's Peak and lost consciousness? Then how old am I? Eighteen? Nineteen? Twenty, even? What about everyone else... God, damn this. How the fuck could someone even do this shit?

I sighed and started taking deep breaths to calm down. "God dammit... Okay, let's not lose ourselves." I muttered to myself.

I threw those papers aside and found another file inside the desk.

I read the title on the folder. "The Biggest, Most Awful Event in Human History?" I sighed and flipped inside.

Upon reading even the first page and seeing the first picture... I was already astonished. This... This is what it's like outside? Red skies...

I kept flipping through, and saw that white haired girl from that video, the one who was supposedly the witch. Angel Kiyo... She's the one who did all of this? And Hanae followed her... What the hell?

I read it all... I knew it all... Angel ended the world and...

The inside of the folder at the end had a little note.

"I can't believe I actually have to fucking do this... I actually have to do what this bitch wants! I have to fucking go back in that hellish school she ruined and... I have to have to watch my friends kill each other... Dammit! I wish there was a better way to fix this all... But I can never forgive myself... I can never forgive you..." ...Their name...

They have their name down... This is the mastermind?! They wrote their name and... They're the mastermind? They were the mastermind this whole time? They're the reason why everyone's dead... Why Shingen's dead, why Shio's dead, why I'm still always fucking angry and fucked up in the head!

"Nnngh.... Nnnghhh! GAHH!" I swept my hands to the side, throwing the folder off of the table and having the papers fall all over.



How fucking dare they make me feel all of this pain?!

How dare they make ANYONE feel this god DAMN pain!

I slammed my head against the desk and my arms around it, and started crying, hitting my hand on the desk over and over.

I lifted my head up after a while. I need to stop this... I can't let them torture anyone anymore.

I will... I will do my job... And bring this damn criminal to light! For my friends... For Hope's Peak... For the world!

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