Epilogue: Rise to the Future from the Ashes (Layne)

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We saw it all. All of Roy's own personal execution. And before our eyes, Hope's Peak has blown up from within and was all rubble. Roy was definitely dead in there somewhere, but we didn't dare go near it. We'd rather leave him in his peace like he would have wanted.

Chouko cried with us, he burried his head in Azura's chest, who just patted him on the back.

"So what do we do now?" Jack asked. "It's just us now, right? Alone in the ruined world."

"We better all stick together!" Atsuki said.

"R-Roy would have wanted us to do that." Chouko said, lifting his head out of Azura's chest.

"So where should we go?" Ren asked.

"Maybe we should make our own place. Find a still working building and use it for our own..." I suggested.

"I think.. We need to move on. For Roy, you know?" Azura said. "I think we should try and help others who are out there... We may only have two people who can kill and fight here, but we can still help as much as we can."

"I like that idea." Atsuki said, and smiled.

"Yeah... Save people from despair." Chouko said. "For Roy..."

"I'm on board with you guys!" Jack said, and laughed. "Together forever, everyone!"

Ren laughed back. "Then it looks like a plan." He said.

"That is, if Layne's on board." Azura said.

"Why would I ever leave you guys?" I asked.

"Then it looks like we're set." Azura said.

We turned our backs to the rubble of Hope's Peak, and looked out at the open land.

We all stood together. On my left, Atsuki, and then Ren. And on my right, Azura, then Jack, then Chouko.

We were together.

"Then let's do our best." I said.

"Let's move forward." Azura said,

"...To a better future."

Rise to the Future from the Ashes

6/16 Students Remain

Danganronpa: Force Despair

6/16 Students Survived

Continued onto
Danganronpa Another Episode:
Kingdom of Lies

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