Chapter 2: Life of Inventing Despair- Investigation (Layne)

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Monokuma came on the screen to confirm it.

*Ding dong, bing bong*
"A body has been discovered!" Monokuma said, "After a certian amount of time, the class trial will begin! Until then, you are free to investigate the crime! See you soon!"

And then, a second time.

*Ding dong, bing bong*
"A body has been discovered!" Monokuma said, "After a certian amount of time, the class trial will begin! Until then, you are free to investigate the crime! See you soon!" And then Monokuma got off.

"I can't believe this.." Memmorriie said.

"I-I'll go find the others!" Roy said, and ran out of the room again.

Chouko was already in the room as well, so I assume he found the body with Roy.

Soon, after Roy left, Mien entered the room, and then Shio soon after her. Later, Roy returned with Ren, Jack and Hanae, and that made everyone still alive in the room now.

"So... Shingen and Anya died, huh?" Ren said.

"That's what the announcements confirmed." Shio said.

"So that means we get to investigate now." Mien spoke up.

"That's right!" Monokuma shouted, appearing in front of us. "And that means it's time for a new Monokuma File!" Monokuma laughed. "It will be found on your e-Handbook! Have fun investigating!" Monokuma laughed again, and then left.

"Well, get to investigating." Mien said, and some people left, while others stayed to investigate.

"Well, should we three investigate together?" Azura asked Atsuki and I.

Atsuki nodded. "Y-Yeah, we should."

"Alright, lets start then." I said, and checked my handbook first.

The Monokuma File on the e-Handbook stated that Anya died shortly after being stabbed, and Shingen died from head trauma, and that both of them died at night.

Looking at their bodies, Anya had indeed died from stabbing, as there was a clear stab wound in her back, causing blood to flow from it. Shingen also seemed to have been bludgeoned, as he had blood coming from his forehead.

It was also worth noting that Shingen's shovel was also close to his body, and looking at it closer, I found it had scratch marks on it.

Looking up from the bodies, I noticed that the weight rack was clearly missing a dumbbell. Also, on the ground in front of the weight rack was a workout rope, and looking at that closer revealed that it was frayed in the middle.

Suddenly, Atsuki spoke up, "Hey, Layne, Azura, come look at this."

We walked over to Atsuki, who was by a treadmill.

"Look under here." She said.

We looked under the treadmill as Atsuki said, and there was a bloody knife underneath it.

"That must be the knife used to kill Anya." Azura said.

"But why is it under here?" Atsuki asked.

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