Chapter 1: Abusing Love and Acceptance- Class Trial (Azura)

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We all walked out of the elevator and to a huge room that only had a chair that towered over a circle of podiums facing the center of the circle. Each podium had one of our names on it, so I walked to the one with my name on it and stood behind it. Everyone else did the same. Monomuma sat in the big chair.

"The class trial will now start!" Monokuma yelled. "Now then, lets begin with a simple explanation of the class trial. During the class trial, you will present your arguements for who the killer is, and vote for "whodunnit." If you vote correctly, then only the blackened will recieve punishment. But if you pick the wrong person... I'll punish everyone besides the blackened, and that person will earn the right to leave the school!"

"Before we begin," Shio spoke up. "What's that?" He pointed to a picture of Lucy that was in a frame on a stand at a podium where nobody was standing. Her face was crossed out with a bloody X.

"Ah, yes! I've decided to give whoever dies a nice picture during the class trials so they don't miss anything! Aren't I nice?" Monokuma said.

"I see... Thank you for explaining." Shio said.

"Alright then! Let the discussion begin!" Monokuma said.

"So... How do we start this?" Roy asked.

"We should simply discuss how Lucy was killed, first. That way, any clues could lead us to a suspect." Mien said.

Shingen spoke up. "Well, it's clear the killer wacked her in the head, right?"

"That's right." Layne said. "The Monokuma file explains that Lucy was in fact hit in the back of the head during the night, bludgeoning her to death."

"That's so harsh..." Takahiro said.

"What was the murder weapon, though?" Meijikou asked.

"A chair." I spoke up. "There was a chair close to Lucy that had blood it, so I believe that that was the weapon."

"Very reasonable." Ren said, smiling. "I could not find anything else it could have been, either."

"Okay, but I'm still confused." Anya said. "Wouldn't Lucy realize that somebody was holding a chair up behind her? She must have at least struggled some."

"No, that's wrong!" I yelled. "Anya, I'd like to point out that there was nothing different in the room when Lucy and the killer entered. Chouko can prove this with his drawing of the classroom that he drew before coming to get Layne, Atsuki and I."

"Yeah, what Azura said is right." Chouko said.

"So, that means there wouldn't have been a struggle." Shio said.

I nodded. "Exactly."

"Oh, I see." Anya said.

"Hehehe..." Somebody laughed.

"What the...? Who was that?" Shingen asked.

Jack slammed his hand down on his podium. "Nothing... I just find it funny how dumb you can all be." Jack chuckled again.

"What exactly do you mean?" Layne asked.

Jack shrugged. "Just saying, the killer definitely could have moved everything around." He laughed. "In fact... Chouko could have done that as well."

"You intend to blame Chouko?" Mien asked.

"Of course. It was obviously him. The map was just a clever way to trick you to believing that he only found the body... And to lead you away from believing he is the murderer." Jack said.

"That's not right..." Chouko said.

"Though, I can't lie... It makes some sense." Ren said.

"Jack, if Lucy struggled, she definitely wouldn't have died in a chair. She probably would have died on the floor, and there were no streak marks to show she was moved." I said. "So there was no struggle."

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