Chapter 2: Life of Inventing Despair- Day 2 (Shio)

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I woke up to the familiar, despairingly happy voice of Monokuma, as we did every day now, stuck in this dark school, full of death and despair. Of course, unlike most of everyone else, I'm very used to seeing corpses, being a mortician and all, and an Ultimate on top of that.

"It's a puzzling situation we're stuck in." I mentioned to Azura, speaking with him in the cafeteria after I had already left my room. "It'd be important for us to find out who the one who put us in here and confront them head on, rather than just finding an exit, for they could just come and kidnap us afterwards. Using Monokuma, it sure is possible."

"Yeah, you're right, Shio." Azura said. "Layne, Atsuki and I have been working hard to find out stuff like that."

"It's good that there are some people who are investigating." I said. "The more people, the better chance we have of finding out who's behind all of this."

"Yeah..." Azura said.

Monokuma came on screen and cut him off. "Hello, everyone! Please make your way to the gym! I'll see you all there!" He said, then got off of the screen again.

"Let's go." I said to Azura, then got up and left the cafeteria and went to the gym.

Once everybody was in the gym, Monokuma appeared on the stage, as expected.

"Hello, everyone!" Monokuma said. "I have a nice surprise for you!" He laughed. "Around the school, I have scattered pages of a story! Please go and find them all! I'll see you all later! Upupu~" Monokuma left after that.

"Pages, huh?" Layne said. "I guess we should look for them. It could prove to be some important information."

"Yeah." Mien said. "I'm going to go look for them." After she said that, she just walked out of the gym.

"I'm going too." I said. "The story could give us hints on who's behind this and other mysteries of this school, and I want to find the pages as soon as possible." With that, I left the gym and decided to go upstairs first.

On the second floor, I first checked the ice rink. When checking the lockers, I found a page of a story book with the number eight in the corner. So that means there's at least eight pages to Monokuma's story.

I decided to look in the pool room next, but in there, I came across Mien. "Hello, Mien." I said. "Did you find any pages?"

"Only two. Pages three and five. One was from here. The other was in the workout room." She responded.

"I see... I have page number eight." I said. "It's from the ice rink."

"Thank you for telling me." Mien said. "But there is no more pages here, or in the workout room. So you can leave."

I nodded. "Alright. Thank you for your help Mien." I smiled at her before leaving, but she didn't smile back.

Next I went to the track and, after searching for a bit, I found page number one.

After the track, I went to the dance studio and saw Roy sitting on the ground.

"Roy?" I asked, approaching him. "Still upset over Lucy's death?"

"Yeah..." He responded. "I came here to look for pages and... Got caught up."

"I see..." I said. "I'm sorry. Did you find any pages?"

"Yeah, I found page ten." Roy said.

"Ah, okay. Thanks for telling me." I said. "I hope things get better for you." I smiled at him and then left.

I decided to head downstairs next, but while going down, Azura was coming up.

"Oh, Shio!" Azura said.

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