Chapter 3: Burning Love from Hearts of Ash- Post Trial (Ren)

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Monokuma jumped up and laughed. "Woo-hoo! Don't you get all excited when fighting zombies? I sure do! Shooting games are F-U-N Fun!" Monokuma laughed.

"Shut up..." Roy said. "He didn't have to die!"

"Ah, but you forget, he wanted to die for you all!" Monokuma said, laughing more.

"Ugh... Enough." Mien said. "Let's just leave, now."

"Well, it is nighttime now, so you can leave, I guess." Monokuma sighed. "You are all so mean to me..."

Sighing, Azura walked into the elevator, and we all followed in and went back up to the first floor of the school. Everyone stepped out and started heading to their rooms.

Jack stepped out before I did. "You know, Renny, I think I might stop playing along with this game after that." He sighed. "Knowing now that people can get executed for not doing anything? I don't find this as much fun anymore." He said.

"I think... I agree with you, Jack." I said.

"Good! Glad to know I have a friend here." Jack smiled and went over to his room. "Bye, Renny!" He said, and went inside.

I sighed and went in my own room and got on my bed.

From now on... I promise to myself.

I won't ever try to mess with something this important again...

I hope I can keep that promise to myself.

Chapter 3
Burning Love from Hearts of Ash

8/16 Students Remain

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