Chapter 3: Burning Love from Hearts of Ash- Investigation (Azura)

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"...Takahiro?" I asked.

"Yeah... I found her here while searching..." Chouko said, "The body discovery announcement came on right after I found her."

"But there was two of them, correct?" Mien asked. "There should be some reason for that."

"I think I know why." Shio spoke up, "When we found Shingen and Anya, there was two announcements."

"So did Chouko see a second body?" Roy asked.

"No, just Takahiro." Chouko said.

"Though I believe this does mean that there is a second victim." Shio said.

"Yeah..." I spoke up. "I found them in the gym... Memmorriie. She died too."

"Memmorriie was the second victim?" Roy asked. "So the couple died..."

"Yeah. Azura was alone when he found her, too." Layne said.

"And the announcement for her happened right away, too!" Atsuki said.

Monokuma appeared infront of us. "That's right!" He laughed, "Another double murder! Isn't that exciting?"

"No." Mien said.

"Well, in any case, you know what this means!" Monokuma laughed. "It's time for another investigation! The Monokuma File is up and ready on your e-Handbooks, so give 'em a look! See you later!" He said, and left.

Shio sighed. "I'm going to go and investigate Memmorriie first. I don't think we should leave her body alone when we don't know where Jack and Ren are, still." He said.

"I might as well come too." Mien said. "We both finished investigating here anyway."

"That's fine." Shio said. "Good luck investigating up here everyone." He said, and left, with Mien following.

"Let's begin investigating, then." Layne said.

"Yeah." I said, and checked my e-Handbook, opening the Monokuma File. "The Monokuma File says that both died from a single shot to their chest."

Layne went over to Takahiro and checked her body. "There is a bullet hole in the center of her chest. I guess it lines up with the file." She said. "And nothing else seems off about her."

"But doesn't the lack of blood on the ground seem off?" Atsuki asked.

"Now that you mention it, there really isn't much blood here, huh?" Roy said.

"Yeah... That is strange." I said.

"Let's keep looking in here, though." Layne said. "There's probably more stuff to find."

"Like this!" Atsuki said, pointing to a large bin that was on wheels. "Lookie here! There's blood on one of the wheels, and inside here!"

"Someone sounds excited to have found something..." Chouko sighed.

Layne went over to Atsuki and spoke up. "She's right though. There is blood where she said." Layne confirmed.

"Weird... I wonder if that means what I think it means..." Roy said.

"Anyways, there's something else." Chouko said. "There's a broken vase over here on the ground. It was up on this pedestal, I assume." He pointed at the pedestal with nothing on it.

"That's probably right..." I said. "But why was it broken?"

"A struggle, maybe?" Roy asked.

"Maybe a bullet was shot through the vase." Layne said.

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