Chapter 1: Abusing Love and Acceptance- Day 2 (Atsuki)

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I woke up to Monokuma's morning announcement that told us to wake up and get ready for the day. I just hopped out of bed and got dressed before leaving my room. I didn't really have much to do... There is a music room, though. Maybe I should go there.

I decided to go to the cafeteria first and get something to eat. Some others were there, like the Seitoishi sisters, Takahiro, Roy, Lucy, and Hanae. I just walked into the kitchen and got some food for myself and came back and sat down and started to eat.

Hanae saw me eating alone and came over to me. "Hey, Atsuki." He said.

"Oh, hi, Hanae!" I said, smiling. "What's up?"

"N-Nothing. Just thought I should come sit with you... I should try to be social if we're stuck here..." Hanae said.

"Ah, well, I can definately be your friend!" I said. "You're a very nice person, Hanae!"

"You really think that?" Hanae asked, and I nodded. "Thank you..." He responded.

"You're welcome!" I smiled. "I'm going to be going now, but I'll see you later, okay?"

"Oh, uh... yeah, okay! Goodbye, Atsuki." Hanae said, smiling, waving as I left.

After leaving, I decided to head to the gym to see if anyone was there. Entering, I saw Layne and Azura there, talking.

I yelled out to them. "Hi!" I waved and smiled.

They looked over at me and waved.

"Hi, Atsuki." Azura said.

I ran over to them. "What are you doing?" I asked, rocking back and forth on my feet.

"Azura figured we should investigate around and see if we can find anything." Layne said.

"Oh! Can I join you?" I asked.

"Oh. Well, I don't see why not." Azura said.

"Yay! Okay! I'll try my best to help you!" I said.

"That's great, Atsuki. More help is always good." Layne said, and smiled.

Azura spoke up. "So, I suggest we check the library first. We could find some things in there that could possibly help us."

"That sounds like a good idea. You okay with that, Atsuki?" Layne asked.

"Of course!" I said.

"That settles it, then." Azura said. "Follow me. We'll go to the library."

Azura left and Layne followed him, and I ran after her. Azura entered the library and we followed him in and looked around.

"Perhaps we should investigate in different places, different ways..." Azura thought for a moment. "Layne, you and I go through the books. Atsuki, can you check each of the drawers for us, please?"

"Okay." Layne said.

"You got it!" I said.

As Azura and Layne got to work looking through books, I started opening drawers of the tables. Nothing special was really in any of them. Just blank sheets of paper, either crumpled up or in normal stacks, pencils, broken or not, scissors, glue sticks, pens, and other stuff like that.

Actually, the last three drawers were a little different. One had a book in it, which I just threw onto the table. The second drawer had a small bottle in it, but I didn't pay much attention to it. The third drawer had a flashlight in it, surprisingly. I took the light out and closed the drawers.

"Hey, guys!" I said. "Come here, I found some things!" They stopped looking through the books and looked at me. "A book and a flashlight!" I said again.

Azura came over to me. "A flashlight and a book? Hmm..." Azura grabbed the book and looked inside it. "Huh...? This is empty. The pages inside are completely blank, but it looks like it's missing some pages too." He put the book down and picked up the flashlight. "This could help us see something in the dark, if we ever need it." He said, then put the flashlight in his jacket pocket.

"That book sure is interesting." Layne said. "I wonder why it's missing pages..."

*Ding dong, bing bong*

Monokuma came on the screen. "Hello everyone! I have a surprise for you... come in the gym, and I'll give it to you!" He laughed, then got off the screen.

"Huh? What was that about?" Azura questioned. "Should we go?"

"I think we should." Layne said. "This could be important." She nodded.

"Alright, let's go." Azura said, then left the library, and we followed him to the gym.

Inside the gym, everyone else was there, standing in a group. We joined them.

Shingen yelled out. "What the fuck are we doing here?"

"Yeah, this is dumb." Mien said.

"We should wait and see." Shio said.

"Yeah guys, what Shio said!" Jack exclaimed.

"Welcome, everyone!" Monokuma said. We all looked at the stage and Monokuma suddenly appeared on it.

"What do you want to give us?" Lucy asked.

"Oh, right into it, hmm?" Monokuma laughed. "Here, take these!" Monokuma pulled out a bunch of cards and threw them at us. Mine said "Atsuki" on the front. "You can all read those now! Upupupu... See you again soon!" Monokuma said, then disappeared again.

Everyone started opening their letters, and, curious, I opened my own.

It was a letter, and I read it in my head.

"If you kill someone and get out, you won't have to run anymore. You'll finally be accepted. If you stay, you'll be hated forever." Is what the letter read.

"What...?" Anya asked.

"This is interesting..." Ren said.

Most people seemed to be worried after seeing their letters, and left soon afterwards. Layne went and sat on the bleachers, and Azura soon followed her. I ran to them.

"Hey guys, you okay?" I asked.

"...I'm fine." Azura said.

"You don't sound fine... and Layne doesn't look okay either. What did your letters say, guys?" I asked them.

They both stayed silent.

"Come on, guys! We're all friends, right?" I asked again.

"...Friends? You'd consider us friends, Atsuki?" Layne asked.

"Of course! I said, I'll even tell you mine!" I said. "It said that if I leave the school by killing someone, I won't have to run anymore and I can finally be accepted. Not like I believe it. It's just Monokuma giving us a motive to kill each other." I explained.

"...Atsuki's right, I guess." Azura said. "Mine said that I can't really save anyone being stuck here, but if I get out I can save everyone."

"Mine said basically the same thing as Azura's did." Layne said.

Showing each other our letters confirmed our statements.

"See? We wouldn't lie to each other. We're all friends." I said, and smiled.

"I guess we are..." Layne said.

"Perhaps we should do something tommorow morning as friends?" Azura suggested.

"Oh, I know!" I said. "First thing tommorow, let's meet in the music room and sing together!" I smiled brightly.

"I don't have a problem with that." Layne said.

"Neither do I, so I guess we will." Azura said.

Right then, Monokuma came on screen and gave the nighttime announcement.

"Well, goodnight you two." Azura said, and then walked off.

"Hmm... Goodnight to you too. Goodnight, Atsuki." Layne said, then also walked off.

I smiled and then left to my room, locking the door once inside and getting to bed. I went to sleep happy that I had friends here.

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