Chapter 4: Lies that Spread from Loss of Friends- Day 2 (Layne)

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I couldn't sleep at all... I just ran back to my room and worried about Azura... Hopefully he just got Jack to calm down and they went back to bed...

Soon, Monokuma's morning announcement came on again. Once it was over, I headed straight to the cafeteria.

I got there first... Roy and Chouko showed up soon after I did, and I waited for Azura and Atsuki to come, but... Nobody ever entered the cafeteria after that.

I was staring blankly at the door when Roy walked up to me. "Hey, Layne... Any idea where everyone else is?"

"No... I'm really worried... Jack forced Azura into a fight last night... I haven't gotten any sleep." I responded.

"Oh... We should look for everyone then..." Chouko said from behind Roy.

"Yeah, someone might be..." Roy started.

My eyes widened and I stood up. "Go search the third, fourth and fifth floors! I'm going to the second floor!" I said, and ran out the door.

As I was running up to the second floor, I ran straight into someone, knocking them over with me.

Ren looked down at us. "Are you two okay?" He asked. Roy and Chouko ran past him.

I looked around frantically to who I knocked over.

"Atsuki!" I almost yelled, and hugged her.

"H-Hi, Layne! What's wrong? You seem distressed..." She asked.

"It's Azura, he's in the ice rink, let's go-" I started, but was stopped.

"Hey, um... Can you guys come with me?" Chouko asked, Roy standing next to him.

"You two are already back down already?" I asked, standing up. Atsuki stood up with me.

Roy nodded. "Yeah, but come with us..." He said.

I nodded slowly, and they turned and ran up the stairs, and Atsuki, Ren and I followed them.

We kept running up, floor to floor. My head was spinning... Spinning... I hope Azura's okay, I couldn't take it if he was hurt...

We made it all the way to the fifth floor, and Chouko and Roy went into the headmaster's office. Atsuki and Ren got in before me, and I ran in last between all of them.

It already went off right as I stepped in.

*Ding dong, bing bong*
"A body has been discovered!" Monokuma said, "After a certian amount of time, the class trial will begin! Until then, you are free to investigate the crime! See you soon!"

Of course, there had to be a body there...

And the body laying there, bloody and slumped against the front of the desk in the room, with a knife by their side on the ground...

Was Mien Hirai... dead and lifeless.

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