Chapter 2

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Sarah POV-
The show finished and I applauded because of how amazing it was. The whole cast ran out to say goodbye to everyone and to thank everyone. I looked at Ross while I was clapping, and he soon spotted me in the crowd. He winked, and I turned a beat red.

We walked out of the studio with Amanda standing next to me. I slid on my sunglasses and hopped right into the car. "Hey, why don't we head home to get you ready for your date?" Amanda asked. "Sure!" I said starting the engine of the car.

I turned on the radio and listened to Ke$ha and Pitbull's new song "Timber". We sang along to the lyrics until we finally got to my house. I put on some shorts because of the hot July air, a crop top, and put on some Vans. I went into the bathroom to put on some makeup, and added some curls to my hair. I smiled at my appearance, then walked out for Amanda's approval.

She nodded excitedly and clapped her hands. "Beautiful!" She said. I smiled. "Thanks!"

I texted Ross saying I was ready for our date, and waiting no longer than 10 seconds for a reply. I smiled at his response. "Ok beautiful, I'll be there in 5:)"

"Ok handsome! ;)" I replied, then plugged in my phone to the charger. "Hey well I have to go, text me how it went ok?" Amanda said walking towards the door. "Okay bye!" I said waving to her, then plopped down on my bed and checking twitter.

Ross POV-
I quickly rushed upstairs to put on a presentable shirt. I put on an American flag muscle shirt, and some black converse, then bolted down the stairs. "Bye mom! I'll be back around 10 o'clock!" I said to my mom, Stormie, as I kissed her cheek quickly. I ran to my car then quickly started it.

I parked the car in her driveway then rang the doorbell. I heard running footsteps the door that made me smile. Sarah opened the door and I saw her dressed beautifully. "Hey!" She said with a smile. "Hey! You look beautiful!" I said. She looked down at her feet blushing. "Thanks." She said.

I held out my hand hoping she took it. "Shall we?" I asked. She intertwined my fingers in hers. "We shall." She said, then she walked through the door way closing the door behind her.

"Ready to have some fun?" I asked.

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