Chapter 44

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Sarah POV-

My eyes fluttered open, and I saw sunlight shining through the living room's window. I then realized I fell asleep on Ross's lap last night.

I groaned as I sat up, and saw my boyfriend peacefully asleep. I thought I would get up and make some coffee, to wake myself up, not knowing what would happen today.

I got up and walked to the brewer, putting in my favorite blend and then pressing 'START.'

I waiting a couple moments, and then I felt strong arms wrap around my waist, and I head lay in the crook of my neck. I smiled as I figured out who it was. "Hey baby." I said as I took the cup from under the brewer.

"Hey beautiful." I heard my boyfriend murmer. I smiled as his lips pecked my neck multiple times. "What are we doing today?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders. "Whatever you want to do." I said. "Can we go on a dateeee?" He sang. I chuckled. "Sure. Where and when?" I asked. "That fancy restraunt down the street, and at 5?" He questioned. I nodded. "Can't wait." I said with a wink, then we both went our seperate ways to get ready.

"Rydel! Ashley!" I shouted as I shook them awake. "What?!" Rydel asked as she jolted awake, her hair a mess. "Come on you got to help me pick out an outfit for me and Ross's date." I said happily. "But I wanna sleep." She whined. I rolled my eyes. "Ashley's helping me too." I said. "Helping you what?" I heard her ask behind me. "Pick out an outfit for me and Ross's date so let's go." I said. "No way! Can Riker and I come?" She asked. I nodded. "Just ask Ross first, and tell Riker." I said, then we headed upstairs

"This or this?" Rydel asked, holding up two dresses. "Neither." I said. "Come on cooperate!" She said. "Fine. That one." I said as I pointed to a floral patterned dress. "Yay!" Ashley squealed, "that one's my favorite!"

I smiled, then went to the bathroom and changed. I then called Rydel to curl my hair, considering Ashley and riker were getting ready too. While she did that, I put on my makeup. "There." She said as she finished. "Thanks Rydel." I said, looking at her through the mirror. "No problem. Be careful tonight." She said. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why do you say that?" I asked. She shrugged. "I don't know. You never know what could happen." She said sadly. I turned and faced her. "Everything will be ok." I assured her with a smile, then gave her a quick hug and walked out of the room.

"Hey handsome." I said as I greeted Ross downstairs. "What's up beautiful? Ready?" He asked. I nodded my head and intertwined our fingers together. "Where are riker and Ashley?" I asked. "In the car." He said with a nod of his head. "Cool." I said, then we walked to the car.

I smiled as I greeted Riker and Ashley, then felt my phone vibrate. Who could that be?

I unlocked my phone, and saw an unknown number appear on the screen.

"Have fun at your little dinner date, someone else has joined our little 'team'. See you soon, -K."

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