Chapter 18

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Ross POV-
"Are you gonna come back tomorrow?" Sarah asked as I was about to leave. "Yes, but I will be a little late considering I have a show tomorrow." I said sadly.

"Oh alright." She said with a sad expression. "Bye baby." She said. "Bye!" I said, then walked out of the building.

I drove all the way home, then walked inside to hear yelling ring through my ears. I walked to Ryland's room where it came from and bursted through the door. "Hey! What's going on in here?" I yelled. "I remember the last show we had here there was a beautiful fan that I wanted to ask out. Apparently rocky saw her too and we think she is going to come tomorrow. Rocky wants to ask her out too!" Ryland yelled.

"Well why don't you just flip a coin or just see who gets to her first?" I asked. "Let's so who gets to her first ok? Deal?" Rocky said holding out his hand to ryland. "Deal." Ryland said shaking rocky's hand.

--The Next Day--
I got ready for the show by putting my red shirt on, ripped jeans, converse, then having mom doing my hair.

"Thanks mom!" I said when she finished my hair. "No problem sweetie." She said after she kissed my cheek. I smiled then ran down the stairs to see Ashley and riker prepared to walk out the door. "Come on guys let's go!" Dad yelled. Then multiple footsteps came running down the stairs. We all piled into the car, then drove to the venue.

Rocky POV-
We piled out all of our instruments from the car, then prepared for sound check and meet and greets.

Sound check was quick, then we all went to the meet and greets. We greeted all sorts of fans, but I couldn't see the girl I was looking for. Would she not be here today? If she was, would she like me back?

Then, I saw her. In a bright purple shirt and some skinny jeans. Her hair was lightly curled and had a bow on the side of her head.

She walked up to us and I smiled. "How's it going, rocky." I said holding out my hand. She chuckled as she shook my hand.

"I'm Kendyll."

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