Chapter 42

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Sarah POV-

That night when we reached the Lynch's house again, I went right to bed. I felt bad staying there all the time, but it's not like my parents care. They never did.

I decided to get an apartment, which I would talk with Ross about tomorrow. Heck, he might even move in with me if he was going to miss me that much.

I walked up the stairs and Ross followed. We walked into his room and I immediately fell into bed. My arms and face were still covered with dry blood, and that was only because the walls of the house were covered with wet blood. She covered me in it, which I don't understand why.

"Want to get washed up?" Ross asked as he took off his shirt. I nodded, and stood up, walking to the bathroom. I took a towel and drenched it in water. Ross soon stood behind me. "Let me see that." He whispered as he took the towel away from my hand. He turned me around lightly, and lifted me so I could sit on the edge of the sink.

He slowly started to dab the blood oj my arm, and I cringed as the cold water reached my skin, but I soon got used to it. "Thanks." I said after a few silent moments. "Anything for my princess." He said as he started to dab my face. I smiled. He dabbed my forehead, and I looked into his beautiful eyes. I think he knew what I was doing, because he wouldn't stop smiling.

"What?" He asked after a while. I shrugged. "Just admiring you." I said. "If anything I should be admiring you." He said, touching the towel to my cheek. "Admiring me?" Babe I am a complete mess." I said with a laugh. "I don't care. You're beautiful. Inside and out, and I love you." He said. I smiled, and kissed him softly. "I love you too." I said after we departed. He finished wiping off all of the blood off my body, then we walked to his room and climbed into bed.

I laid my head on his bare chest, tracing up and down his stomach. I felt him twirl my hair around, and I smiled. I figured I would mention the apartment idea to him tomorrow, too much has been going on today. I hope it never happen again.

--Next Day--

I woke up to the sound of banging on our door. "Get up!" A voice yelled. I groaned, and looked at Ross who was still asleep. "Baby!" I whispered. He let out a soft moan. "Yes love?" He asked. "Someone wants us downstairs." I whined. He grunted.

We got out of bed quickly, not caring about how we looked, and opened the bedroom door. It was riker. "What?" I asked. "You have to see this." He said, pointed down the stairs. I nodded, then trotted down the stairs. I saw the tv on, with a familiar face on the news.

"Amanda Fuller is going to be executed tomorrow for multiple kidnappings and abuse."

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