Chapter 4

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Sarah POV-
Ross started to lean in, and so did I. Butterflies started to dance around in my stomach. Our lips finally touched and sparks flew everywhere. He moved his hands down to my waist, and my arms wrapped around his neck. We pulled away and stared into each other's eyes. "Wow.." Ross mumbled. I smiled and looked down biting my lip, "Wow.." I mumbled back.

We started to lean in again, but the door flew open. "Sarah-oh.." My mom said. Ross and I quickly separated and I stepped aside.

My face turned a bright red. "Dinner's ready." My mom said leaning back and forth on her feet. "Okay.. Thanks mom." I said smiling awkwardly. My mom lifted her eyebrows, and I groaned walking inside. I smiled at Ross and slowly closed the door as my mom walked away.

I quickly opened the door as my mom walked into the kitchen, and softly pecked Ross's lips. I bit my lip as I pulled away and closed the door quietly.
Ross POV-
I walked back to my car smiling widely. I texted Sarah as soon as I got home.

"Hey beautiful" I texted my contact listed as: "Sarah😍"

"Hey ross!" She replied.
"I had a lot of fun.. When can we do it again?"
"I don't know.. I have to help my mom around the house this weekend."
"Oh.. How about next Friday?"
"Of course. Can't wait!"
"Me neither. Good night."
"Good night:)"

The conversation ended there, and I walked up to my room. I sat down on my bed and not even 2 minutes went by before a million knocks on my door rang through my ears.

"What?!" I growled looking at the door. "It's just us calm down." Riker said through the door. I rolled my eyes looking back at my phone. "Come in.." I groaned as everyone walked into my room.

"So?" I asked looking at them. "So.." Ryland started to say, but Rydel couldn't contain herself. "How did the date go?!" She asked excitedly. "Amazing. We skated, I dropped her off, we kiss.." I said trailing off. "You kissed?!" Rocky said. I nodded smiling.

"Nice bro!" Ratliff said fist bumping me. I chuckled and looked down at my phone. "So, when's your next date?" Rydel asked. "Next Friday.. Why?"

Sarah POV-
"And we kissed!" I said to Amanda as I explained what happened. "You kissed?!" She said excitedly. "Yes! It was magical." I said sighing. "So when's your next date?" She asked. "Next Friday.. Why?" I asked. "Maybe you can come to 'Scoops' for your date!" She said excitedly. I nodded enthusiastically. "Yea!" I said, then texted Ross.
"How does the ice cream shop sound for Friday?" I asked.
"Perfect. See you then;)" he replied.

"Ross said it was perfect! Thanks so much Amanda!" I said as I hugged her. "Well I better get going. See you Friday!" She said with a smile, then walked out of my room.

Amanda POV-
I can't believ my best friend kissed Ross! Now it's real pay back. If she is going to be Ross's girlfriend any time soon, it won't stop coming. Beware Sarah. Or you might not be 'warm hearted' in the near future.

Oh no what's going to happen with Amanda and Sarah's relationship? (HINT: Something cold is coming in near chapters 😳)

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