Chapter 29

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Sarah POV-
It's been a couple days and Kendyll hasn't touched me yet. But who knows, today it could happen, or she might be planning something. I just hope it won't end up with me in the hospital.

"Ross!" I sang. "Ross!"

"Yes baby?" I heard him say from downstairs. I pranced down the stairs and sat next to him on the couch while he was watching a hockey game. "Can we do something today?" I asked. "Sure! What?" He asked. "I don't know, you choose." I stated. "I want to go paintballing!" I heard ryland say. I looked at Ross and shrugged. "Sure why not?"

I laughed at Ryland's excitement, and we all ran upstairs to get ready. "You can use my padding." Ryland said as he handed me elbow, chest, and shin pads. "Can't forget the goggles!" He added, then placed it on top of the pile.

I carefully put each piece of 'armor' on and then placed baggy shirts and sweatpants over them. "There." I mumbled to myself, then walked down the stairs to find everyone waiting for me, and I saw Kendyll standing next to rocky. Great.

"Hey kendyll." I said awkwardly. "Hey!" She said. I rolled my eyes as she started to be nice to me, then Ross pulled my next to him by the hip. I felt safe next to him.

We arrived at the paintball place, then we got our 'guns,' then walked into the arena.

"Ready, Set, Go!" A voice over the intercom said. I placed my goggles over my eyes, and my head was unprotected. "Stay near me!" Ross yelled. I nodded my head, and looked and kendyll and rocky going in the same direction. Her paintball gun doesn't look like the rest of ours though. What was she up to?

I walked with Ross to behind a flipped over table. "Stay down." He whispered. "Ok. How about, I'll go out there and hit everyone I can to distract them. Then you go and shoot after me." I said. He nodded his head, and I went from behind the table.

I shot three people, then a couple others fell from Ross's shots. Then a loud bang went off from where kendyll and rocky were from. And it wasn't a paint ball gun.

A/N: Not really a good chapter, sort of a filler.😁 but I hope it will get better soon! Thanks for 1k reads and I love you all!😘 -Sarah🙈

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