Chapter 41

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Ross POV-

We looked all over town, and hung up some 'Missing' signs everywhere. I frowned as I pinned each picture to an object.

"Let's try looking for her from house to house." Rocky suggested. I nodded my head as we got into the car. "Listen," he said, "We'll find her."

I smiled and patted my brother's back. "Thanks." I said. He just nodded his head.

We drove along the road, and looked at the abandoned houses everywhere. "What about these?" Rocky asked, pointing to a house that looked rusty. "Sure, it's worth a shot." I said. "Dad, pull in there."

He did as I said, and pulled into the driveway. "Be careful." He said as we got out of the car. "Don't worry about us." I assured him, then closed the car door.

We knocked on the rusty door, and it was so damaged it opened with one hit of our fist. I just shrugged, and walked through the door with my brother at my side. "Hello?" He shouted. "Shut up!" I heard a voice yell. "I'm gonna die soon anyways!" I heard another voice yell back, soundit familiar. I looked at Rocky with desperation in my eyes. He sighed, then we made our way up the stairs.

We walked into the room we heard voices from, and I saw Sarah chained to the wall, bloody in the arms and head, and Amanda standing before her, a knife in hand.

"Put the knife down." I demanded. She turned to us and smirked, spinning the knife in her hand. I looked at Sarah and she just shook her head, her eyes were filled with plea.

"Want me to kill her now?" She asked with a laugh. I leaned back and looked at rocky. "Go tell dad to call the police, come back right away." I whispered. He nodded his head then raced out the door.

"Let go of Sarah." I said. I heard rocky step behind me. "Oh ya? And what will you do if I don't?" She asked. I thought of a plan. What would I do?

I opened my mouth, but someone else's words interrupted me. "Police!" They yelled. I smiled. "This." I replied.

Her eyes grew wide at the sight of police. The police ran to her, and handcuffed her in one swift movement. "You did the right thing." The policeman said, as I saw the other un-chaining Sarah. "Thanks." I replied, then ran over to Sarah.

"Sarah!" I shouted as she stood up, rubbing her wrists after the chains were removed. I saw the dry blood covering her face and arms. I embraced her into a hug, trying not to crush her, now fragile, body.

"I've m-missed you." She said, wrapping her arms around me. "I missed you too." I replied. "Ross?" She questioned. "Yes love?" I asked, not caring if we were dating or not. "Can I kiss you?" She asked. I pulled back from the hug, and smiled down at her. "Yes." I answered, the roughly pressed my lips to hers.

After a couple moments, I pulled away. "Will you be my girlfriend? Once again?" I asked. She nodded her head. "I thought you'd never ask." She said, then kissed me again.

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