Chapter 7

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Ross POV-
I smiled, and I didn't know what to say. I just pressed her cold lips to mine. She put her hand on my cheek until she pulled away. "I love you too baby girl." I said, and I didn't care if we weren't official yet.

I drove quickly to the hospital, and carried her into the emergency room. "She was locked in a freezer for about an hour." I said to the lady at the front desk. She nodded, then called over workers with a wheel chair.

"Wait can't I come with her?!" I asked nervously. "No sir, we will call you when she is ok to be visited." She replied. I sighed and sat down in the waiting room.

Two hours past, and still no sign of Sarah. My family was texting me non-stop, but I didn't care to reply. I was too worried about Sarah.

After three hours, the nurse finally called my name. I rushed up to the desk and lifted my eyebrows. "Room 214." She said with a smile. "Thanks." I said before rushing to the elevators. I pressed the button, then I was on the floor in no time. I saw her door, and opened it slowly.

I saw her asleep, and her body seemed warmed up. I sat beside her, and took her hand, that was still cold. I pulled her hand gently to my forehead, and quietly sobbed. Then, I felt another cold hand touch my cheek. "What's wrong, ross?" She asked as I looked up.

I smiled, and hugged her gently, making sure I didn't hurt her. "I thought I would lose you." I said. "You could never lose me." She said, and I kissed lips gently. "I know it may be too late for this considering our date went haywire.. But will you be my girlfriend?" I asked nervously. She nodded. "I would love to."

I smiled and kissed her cheek, still holding my hand. "W-why would she d-do this to me?" She asked tearing up. "She is my best friend! I can't believe her!"

I looked down at her hand still placed in mine, and shook my head. "I don't know.. Do you think she will come after you again?" I asked.

Amanda POV-
I was so close! I can't believe she got away. I will come back for you Sarah.. And it won't stop until you die.

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