Chapter 17

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Ross POV-
I woke up, expecting Sarah to be there next to me, but I had the bed all by myself.

I sighed, then got up to get dressed. I brushed my teeth, then went downstairs to eat. "Hey, you ok?" Riker said as he walked downstairs with Ashley. "Ya I guess.." I said, then took another bite out of my cereal.

"I know. I'm bummed too. She is my best friend." Ashley said as she grabbed my hand. "But I assure you, everything will be fine." She quickly hugged me, then walked back to riker.

"Can you drive me to the hospital rik?" I asked as I put my bowl in the sink. "Sure!" He said, then grabbed his keys. Ashley interlocked fingers with riker as we walked out the door, then we all jumped into the car.

We got to the hospital, and asked for Sarah. "Room 314." The woman at the desk said. I nodded, then bolted to the elevator. I kept pressing the button until the door closed, and when we reached the floor, I ran to Sarah's room.

I opened the door slowly and saw Sarah with bandages and wires attacked all around her body. She seemed to be sleeping. I sat down on the seat next to her bed and took her hand.

I felt a tear roll down my cheek and it touched her hand. "Dude seriously?! Why didn't you wait for us?!" Riker yelled as he entered the room with Ashley. "Shut up! She is sleeping!" I whispered, then turned back to look at her.

I felt her hand move in mine, and a groan escape her mouth. "Babe?" I asked. Her eyes fluttered open and a smile grew upon my face.

"R-Ross?" She choked out. "Y-yes I'm right here." I said. "My arms hurt." She said. I chuckled and kissed her hand. "I know."

"Sarah!" Ashley screeched. She came over and hugged her. "How are you feeling?" She asked. "Eh, I'm good. But I would feel better if..." She said trailing off. "If what?" I asked. "If I got a kiss." She said as she bit her lip.

I smiled, and leaned in. Our lips touched and I felt her smile inbetween the kiss. "I've been waiting for that." She said as we pulled away. "I did too babe." I said, then pressed my lips to hers again.

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