Can you fix the broken?

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HEY! Well this is like my very first story so I don't think it's all that good. It will mostly be a P.O.V. of Dakota who is the main girl. She is 17, she has dark black hair and bright green eyes. Oliver Sykes (Bring me the Horizon) Vic Fuentes (Pierce the Veil) Mike Fuentes (Pierce the Veil) Tony Perry (Pierce the Veil) Jaime Perciado (Pierce the Veil) Kellin Quinn (Sleeping with Sirens) are in this story. Dakota's best friend in this story is Katelynne, her hair color is black and her eye color is brown. Like I said this is my very first story and comment if you like it or not, any feedback will help. I will try to update as much as I can. Thanks



So it's 6:30 in the morning and it's the first day of my senior year of High School. Exciting right? Well not really. Any way, I have applied my winged eyeliner, mascara and foundation. I have All Time Low playing in the background as I get ready for this day since I dreaded since June. The only good thing about this is, that its my last year, then I'm off to art school in CA.
I'm strutting off red skinny jeans, a black and red Motionless in White shirt, red and black converse and to top it all off with a red beanie. I took a final look into my mirror before leaving to go to this hell hole they call school. In the mirror I saw a sad, depressed girl who was just trying to find a reason to wake up the next day. But in all reality I just wanted to be happy. I know it sounds cliche and everything, but I haven't really been happy for a while.
Well if you consider five months a while because that's when I found out I've been accepted into art school. Other wise life sucked.
I grabbed a plain black hoodie off of my chair and I threw it on. I pull the sleeves down by my hands. I pass the scars and the bandage from the fresh ones. I slide my finger over the scars to see if their healing properly. Which they were, at least I think they were. I sling my checkerboard backpack over my shoulder. I reach for my iPhone on the dock which is on my dresser. I end up falling and hitting my head on the corner of my bed.
As I lay there on my white carpet, I stare up at my ceiling (which is where I hang my art work by the way), I started feeling a pounding sensation on my head. So I decided that I had to get up and go to prison. When I stood up I got rather dizzy, I grabbed my phone, backpack and headphones and I head down stairs to the rest of the house. I saw my mom at the stove cooking some breakfast.
I'm guessing it was for my dad since if she didn't make him something or clean something for him or if she doesn't do anything he asks, he beats her. He's hit me to but not recently. I didn't see my dad, so I figured that he was still sleeping.

"Morning mom, did you sleep well?" I asked as I sat down at our tile plated island in the kitchen

"Okay what did you break this time?" she asked with her back towards me.

"Nothing I swear. I was just about to head out and I was going to ask for lunch money, that's all." I said checking my phone for messages.

"Here's $10" she had finally turned around to look at me. I saw that she has a fresh black eye, but you could tell it was poorly covered up with make-up.

"Thanks. Can you give me my pills?" I asked "Plus some Tylenol for a headache?" she nodded her head yes.

I was born with a heart problem that tends to send blood into the wrong tube and my medicine makes it go into the right tube.
I swallowed the two sets of pills, then I was on my way out the door. I walked to the end of the block to get to the bus stop. There were a few kids waiting for the bus just as I was. I went into my phone and played some music. I played Teenagers by: My Chemical Romance. I texted my best friend Katelynne, it read: Hey are you ready to start a 10 month sentence? I didn't get a reply until I was on the bus. I sat at the back of the bus because I didn't like anyone else on the bus, so I sat alone. Katelynne replyed: Totally :). I glanced out the window to see that we were almost at school already. So I checked my make-up in my camera on my phone, it was fine. I was the last one to get off the bus.
I wasn't trying to have people pay attention to me or anything. I just wanted to get to the main office so I could get my schedule. I didn't even bother to look at my schedule i just walked down the hallway. When I got to the split in the hallway, that's when I finally looked up I saw that my locker is on the 3rd floor. So I went up the stairs.
Someone smelt really good and I could hear their music playing. It was All Time Low. I didn't see the person that went up the staires next to me but the person had a band t-shirt on. I figured it was a guy because the person didn't have any breasts. He had long brown wavy hair. He was wearing a black beanie. I thought to myself. This is going to be a good year. Well at least if I know who that person was.
I had finally reached my locker. #3217. I put a mirror on the wall of the door. I put all of my effort trying not to look into that mirror, because I know if I did, it would ruin my day. I threw my text books in there that I had checked out only a few days before.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw someone approaching me. I turned and looked at the person. It was a boy. Not the one from before. This guy was attractive. He approached me. he had dark brown hair, beautiful hazel eyes, and he was wearing a Slipknot shirt with black skinny jeans and a blue beanie that matches his shirt.

"Hello, I'm trying to find room #213." he said, he had a nice British accent. I glanced down at my schedule to see if I was going to that room also, which I was.

"I'm going to the same place." I closed my locker "Follow me." I started walking down the hallway to get to the staircase. I could hear his footsteps trail behind me.

"I'm Oliver Sykes but please call me Oli." he stuck hand out for a handshake but I didn't accept

"Dakota, only my close friends call me Kota." he shook his head. "I like your shirt." I said

"Oh thanks, I saw them in concert before, It was really awesome!" he exclaimed.

"That's awesome." I said

We had finally got to the class room. There was a seat open in the back of the room. So that's where I went to sit down. I laid my head down on my arms and I waited for the bell to ring so I could count down the minutes until I could leave. I herd the desk next to me squeak. So I glanced up and saw that Oliver was sitting down next to me. I turned my head to the side so I was looking at him. He seemed nervous.

"Can I help you?" I asked

"What, I can't sit down next to a pretty girl who likes awesome bands?" he was copying me, as in lying down on his arms. I could feel my cheecks getting warm and red.

"You're lying." I mumbled

"What?" he asked

"I said you're lying, I'm not pretty." I said

"Well then you're a pretty liar." he smiled at me.

I smiled back. The teacher Mr. Waltz came into the class room. He was tall and skinny. He had long brown hair, it was tired back into a pony tail. He had pimples all over his mouth and he had smelt like weed. I figured that he was a pot head. Which was awesome. I had a pot head that was a teacher and he was probably high most of the time. He said that since it was the first day we could just sit around and socialize the whole hour which was nice so that way I could get to know Oliver some more. All hour we basically talked about bands. It was nice to talk to someone about bands. i mean I have Katelynne and everything but, it was nice to have a guy to talk to about it.                             Oliver and I have 1st, 3rd, lunch and 8th hour together. 8th hour was study hall so we could talk all hour.                                                                                                                                                                            I have been texting Katelynne all hour and we have 2nd, 4th, 5th, lunch and 7th hour together. Which I like. She has been talking about this guy in her first hour. His name is Kellin Quinn. She has been talking to him just like I have been talking to Oliver.                                                                                           The bell had ran for us to go to next hour. I just decided to go straight to class. I didn't want anyone to try to talk to me. I had Katelynne in my next hour so I could relax about meeting anyone new. When I was talking to Oliver I felt like he was judging me. I don't think he was but I felt like I was.                        I finally reached class I just went a sat by Katelynne. She was sitting all alone, she was crying. 

"Katelynne?" I asked as my eyes started watering.

"Kota?!" she looked up at me. She ran up into my arms. She hid her face into my shoulder.

Jeri says: GUYS This is not a true story so like don't like flip out on me. THANKS

Can you fix the broken? (Oliver Sykes FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now