Can you fix the broken? CHAPTER 6

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HEY GUYS!!!! Well I know that last chapter wasn't that exciting but Oh well. So today is one of my old friends birthday. He is 21! Happy Birthday Cody!!!! Anyway enjoy this chapter!!!


A few weeks have gone by and ts about November. Oliver knows that my dad is abusive, my mom has developed spindle cell sarcoma cancer in her jaw, Oliver has sorta taught me how to play the guitar, Vic helped of course, Mike and I talk but were not bffs, homecoming is next weekend, I'm passing all of my classes which is good, Katelynne and Kellin got together, their so cute, my dad got a new truck so he gave me his motorcycle, I've been looking at places in CA for college, I found a nice apartment where the people move out in June so its perfect. i got a job as a waitress at the local restaurant. Our town is small. Any way back to present day.                                                                 Its the beginning of November. I just got done with work and i'm on my way home. My mom like piratically lives at the hospital, my dad is always out and about finding someway to get money so i'm always home alone. Its about 9 and I still have homework to do. I got into the shower really quick so I could stay awake and everything to study and do homework and then I have to do laundry.                 I get in, shave my legs, I quickly wash my hair with coconut scented shampoo, I rinsed my hair with conditioner. I wash my skin covered with scars. When I got out of the shower, I throw on a sports bra, and a Falling in Reverse shirt that has the sides cut out of them, and no sleeves. I put on yoga shorts, and my black and red slippers, I still have my hair in a towel bun.                                                  I grab my lab top from my desk, and I open it. I open my paper that I started last night, and I grab out my text-book and my folder for my History class. I go downstairs and grab a monster out of the fridge. I crack it open and i drink half of it and I put it down on my bed side table. I start typing away about The Holocaust. I finally finished typing it. I plug my lab top in and out it on my desk. I grab my Calculus homework and my text-book. I was stuck on problem #45 so i decided to call Oliver, he's great at math. He said that he would come over but only if I made him coffee. He has to walk over so I brushed my hair first.                                                                                                                                            I went downstairs, I saw my dad in his office. Of course he had a bottle of whiskey in his hands. I started to make the coffee. I looked at the time on the stove and it read 1:27. I realized that I woke Oliver up. I called into work saying that I wasn't going to be able to work tomorrow that I had to go visit my mom. They said that it was okay. The truth is, I just wanted to sleep. I haven't visited my mom since her last surgery. Which was last week. She told me not to visit unless she has surgery. I turned on the coffee maker. I grabbed a cup from the cabinet. I saw my dad crying in his office. i decided to go talk to him. 

"Hey dad, are you okay?" I asked standing in the door way. 

"Yeah i'm fine, your moms having a really big surgery tomorrow, its all day long and I want you to be in the hospital with me." he said wiping his tears.

"I have school though, Ill go say hi and everything but then ill go to school then come back after school." I said looking at him. 

"Okay. Just be there by 7." he said drinking his whiskey. 

I smiled at him and then I went into the kitchen. I poured three cups of coffee, one for Oliver, my dad and I. I made mine how I like it. I made my dad's just how he likes it. I turned around to give it to him. My dad was standing right behind me. I split the hot coffee all over my dads chest. The worst part it was he was wearing a white shirt. It was his work shirt. 

"I'm so sorry dad! Do you want me to throw it into the wash-" I felt a pain go across my face. 

I blacked out for a few moments. When I woke up, I was on the floor. I didn't realize what had happened. I saw my dad kneeling over me. I could hear Oliver knocking at the door. I couldn't move or anything. I started freaking out. I started screaming "Oliver help!" I felt a cold breeze down by my pants. I looked down and saw that my shorts were off. My scars were showing. I could smell my dads whiskey breath. I knew what he was trying to do. He was attempting to rape me. I could hear Oliver trying to break open the door. He kept yelling my name. I felt my dad kissing my neck. I felt so disgusted. I started crying and screaming.                                                                                                         The neibhors never call the police. The hear screaming all the time but never do. I don't know why. I heard the door be busted open. 

"OLIVER!!!" I yell. I saw him run over to me. He pushed my dad off of me. 

I crawled away. I put my shorts back on. Oliver punched my dad in the face. He knocked him out. I started crying. I starting balling my eyes out. I felt arms around me. I covered my puffy eyes with my hands. I placed my face into his chest. I started crying even more. He started patting my head and whispering "Love, its okay, I'm here hes not going to hurt you." He kept saying over and over again until I stopped crying. I finally wiped my red eyes. I looked up into his tired hazel eyes. I kissed his very smooth and soft lips. Ours moved in sync. I pulled away ending the kiss. I handed him his semi warm cup of coffee. 

"So, should we get to math?" I asked. 

"Math? Are you crazy your dad just tried to rape you! And you wanna do math?" He said angrily.

"He usually does this to my mom but shes not here, so he used me." I said as I walked up satires. "Are you coming?" 

"Yeah, I guess." Oliver mumbled sipping his coffee. 

When we went upstairs I threw my hair into a pony tail. I crawled into bed next to him. I threw my blanket over me. I laid my head down on his chest. He started explaining what to do. I felt my eyes get heavy. The next thing you know I was fast asleep. 

*BUZ BUZ BUZ" That's what woke me up. I looked up and saw Oliver asleep. I smiled. I got up off of my bed. I straighten my hair. I put on a layer of foundation. I applied winged eyeliner. I slipped on a pair of blue skinny jeans, and a black tank top and a blue v-neck. I put on a necklace that my mom had given me for my 16th birthday. I slid on my black converse. I added a spray of perfume. I cleaned out my gauges.                                                                                                                                          I went downstairs to make breakfast. I turned on the radio to 94.7. I made pancakes, bacon and toast. I decided to let Oliver sleep in this morning until I was finished with breakfast. I didn't see my dad in the house so I figured he went to see my mom. I still had a hour until I had to go see her.         I felt arms around me. I saw a arm come around me and grabs a piece of bacon. The arm that came around was covered in scars. Scars that I've seen before and ones that I haven't. I turned around and I kissed Oliver on his cheek. I hugged him. Not one of theses hugs that you give to relatives when you say good bye. It was a passionate hug. I looked up at him and I grabbed a piece of bacon from his hands and ate it. I grabbed two plates and threw a few pancaked on each with a handful of bacon. I poured two cups of coffee. We sat at the island in the kitchen. I started eating like a pig. I could hear Oliver laughing over my eating.

"I could wake up to this every morning." He said smiling at me.

"Well when I go to California, maybe you could come with. Then you could wake up to this every morning." I said reaching over the counter and kissing his soft buttery lips from the pancakes. He pulled away breaking the kiss. 

"I forgot to tell you, my dad made some calls, and he transferred my scholarship and my classes over to a campus in California. The campus is just 3 miles away from your campus. The apartment you paid for, is in between both of our campuses. So yeah I can go with you to California." he said kissing me again. 

I felt excitement going through me. I was so happy. I think I had found the one person that made me happy. My other half. I know what your thinking. Its only been two months. ONLY 2 MONTHS. But I feel like I've known him forever. He helped me stop cutting. I haven't cut in over two weeks. We hang out everyday after school and then he sleeps over at my house or I sleep at his house on the weekends.  Vic, Jamie, Tony, Katelynne and Kellin say that we were basically made for each other. Which is good. I felt butterfly's in my stomach just thinking about him. I tried to keep those words tucked into the back of my throat. But they just slipped out.

"I love you, Oliver."

JERI SAYS: Well this chapter was pretty intense if you ask me. Well let me know what you think. Ill try to update tomorrow!!!!

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